What It's Like To Date Angel

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•Man seems to be broody and moody but no complaints here.

•After you both became friends Angel was super shy so you started all the conversations.

•You had to earn his trust.

•Secretly you had a crush on Doyle, but sadly he decided to be a hero. Wesley has a crush on you until Fred comes around, Cordelia enjoys having another girl around, Gunn thinks your really nice and pretty, Fred likes you then Connor really likes you.

•You decided to work with Angel because he understood you, helping people was also something you enjoy, you also had become attached to the friends there.

•The broody vampire always has had a certain vibe much to your enjoyment.

•You constantly hear about Buffy.

•Darla came back just for your anger.

•The attention of the group because your so in love with Angel.

•The stressful thing in this relationship is he doesn't tell you much, just about what monsters are out there, gossip that went around or that he has something to do.

•Which means you have to put extra effort in order to actually get any time to spend with him.

•The "Does my hair look ok?"

•No sex, but cuddles happen, kisses, hugs, dates that does too but because of the curse he can't fuck you into Sunnydale the way he wants to.

•Having to deal with Spike flirting all the time with you.

•Angel usually spends time with you when he has no jobs to do during the day, but you guys sometimes go out if he has to go on missions if there is no danger.

•There is a few arguments that happens a week like "Babe can I go with-" "No you stay right here!" "But I-" "I'm not letting you get killed!"

•You guys have romantic moments quite often it's just the shyness in the relationship is there.

•The relationship is at a 25/50, Angel loves you a lot he's just going through stuff like missions or he doesn't want you to get hurt.

•Oh and you hang out with his friends a lot when you can.

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