chapter 10

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“What a life up and down”

                                                     Chapter 10

Rou’s p.o.v

‘You have a lovely voice but never ever cry again’ Jim said while me blushing and I didn’t think of any reply. All I could think of is how long he has been watching me and why didn’t he go to the meeting? Awkward silent between us and none of us talked. All we do is just look into each other eye. I wander why he is always like this to me. He stand for me in the party, ran after me and now he has been watching and we only knew each other for 2 days and half. I know we are friends or best friends but not more and what he is doing just like we are more but let me say I like it. I like having someone like him beside me and doing such things to me. I like being with him. Weird, I never have this feeling before but what I do know that I should not forget that I don’t want to be in relation.

‘So could you let me in or you like me to go away’ he said. I forgot we were in front of the music lap. 

‘No come in I just finished’ I said actually I was willing to stay more and sing lot of songs but I can’t do this in front of him. We entered the music lap and I closed the door.

‘You know’ he began talking ‘I found it great that a girl like you could write amazing songs just like what I heard’ I was astonished. How did he know I wrote these songs? I didn’t tell anyone.

‘mmm, thanks but how did you know I wrote them’ I asked

‘well since I love music and I love listen to songs a lot and never heard this lyric before so I’m pretty sure you wrote it and you were singing it with a lot of emotions’ he said smiling ‘but I love it’

‘well thanks’ I said shyly

‘not only the song you write I like, your voice and your playing with the guitar too’

‘thanks you but why haven’t you gone to the meeting?’ I asked and silent for about min then he began talking.

‘Actually I hate having headache and you know principal is a talker and a bad joker’ I laughed. It was true he is a talker and really a bad joker. 

‘Well since we are here and the meeting isn’t finished yet, what do you like to do?’ I asked

‘I don’t know, how about playing 20 question so we know each other better’ he said and I like his idea.

‘Ok’ we grabbed chairs and sat in front of each other. 

‘But’ he said and I don’t like what will happen ‘when the answer of the question is personal or impressing you must answer’ 

‘ok but I will begin’

‘ok’ and the game was like this

Me: ‘favorite colour’

him: ‘blue, you?’

Me: ‘rose’

him: ‘favorite kind of food’

me: ‘chocolate, you?’

him : ‘all food especially chocolate’  I smiled

Me : ‘favorite band or singer’

him : ‘that’s hard since I love all singers and bands , you?’

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