chapter 11

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“What a life up and down”

                                                     Chapter 11

Dizzy’s p.o.v

Today I woke up early than usual. Every day I wake up late and go to school late but today the opposite happen. I’m now in school early that no one of my group came. I get out my phone from my bag and decided to text tom. Yesterday after I went home, we started texting and he told me he will go early to school to spend more time with each other since we haven’t recently. I send him a text told him that I’m at school and he replied that he will come quickly. I love tom so much but he still didn’t say it to me. I wish he could tell me. We know each other since we were in year 7 but we started dating at the end of it.

Tom was new at school and the only person he knows was Ria since they were neighbors and best friends since they were small. His first class here was chemistry that I was in it. The chemistry Mr. Put all the class student’s in pairs and he put me with tom. From here we started talking. At first awkward silent was between us but then we started knowing each other. We become friends and every day we get closer. One day I was sick and didn’t attend school and supposed that the next day we had exam in chemistry, he asked Ria where I live and she told him. He came visit me and help me in studying but I was too sick so the next day I did badly in exam so I cried bec. I love chemistry so much, he came and hugged me and tried to make me stop cry and from here I started falling for him. One day I was talking to Ria and she accidently told me he like me and I was so happy. There was a party and he asked me to slow dance there. While we were dancing, he looked at me in the eye and kisses me. I was at first shocked then kissed back and from here he asked me out and I accepted then we kissed again.

Every time I remember the day he asked me out I smile and this lit my day. I sat on a bench and put my headset on and started listening to music. After a while I saw scarlet coming to me or I like to call her “evil bitch”. I don’t like scarlet since we were small and still don’t like her. Now I hate her and this hate is getting more since what she did to Rou. She came and sat next to me.

‘Hey dizzy’ she said. I didn’t replay and pretended that I didn’t hear.

‘You know, you are so innocent that you can’t see what’s going around you’ and I continue ignoring.

‘I mean, you can’t see what’s happening behind your back from your closest person’ keeppretending that I never heard anything.

‘Know who?’ nah I don’t wanna know anything from a bitch.

‘Tom’ la la la la I didn’t hear anything

‘Tom and Ria. They used to love each other before he saw you and you toke prince Tom from princess Ria and who knows maybe they till now love each other and cheating on you ‘ ok that’s enough and it’s time to stop ignoring and teach that bitch a lesson.

‘Know what scarlet’ I faced her ‘I don’t believe anything bitch say’

‘ha you will see and you…….

‘Yupe I will see. See an evil bitch getting laughed at and running away ashamed soon if she didn’t stop what she’s doing’ I saw her standing up.

‘Btw thank god that I didn’t teach you a pain lesson from what you did to Rou’ she laughed.

While she was about to take a step, I held my leg in front of her and she fell on the floor. I saw who in school laugh at her and she’s now red. She collected her dignity left and started walking away.

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