chapter thirty-two. sin city

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"your boy here, he fucked up"


By the time Andi and Simon got back to the hotel, the tears had dried on her cheeks, leaving crusty remnants of her mascara on her porcelain skin. She still wasn't a hundred percent sure if she had truly seen the object of her nightmares or if her acid trip had simply turned sour.

The blonde had kept to herself after the tears stopped flowing, a haze setting in as she tried to decipher her reality. Simon remained silent too, simply holding his friend close as she recovered. Despite their emotional detour, they were sure they beat Saya and Willie back to the room. Hopefully, the two of them could track down Billy, Maria, and Marcus and put their mini-vacation back on track.

Simon wasn't usually one to impede on Andi's fun, but he was going to highly suggest holding out on partaking in any more drugs for the weekend. After this bad trip, she needed a break.

They exited the elevator on their floor and started down the hallway to where their rooms were. Simon dropped his arm from around Andi's shoulders as she moved to fish the room key out of her pocket.

Gunshots rang out through the hallway, startling Andi and Simon. The sudden noise pulled Andi from her stupor. Simon's reflexes had been quicker though as he darted in the direction of the gunfire. Andi took off behind him, realizing that the sound was coming from Marcus and Billy's room.

Despite the daze she couldn't shake, Andi's veins flooded with anxiety. It was Abaddon. He was here and he was attacking her friends. Shooting them. Shooting everyone. Billy, Saya, Willie, Maria, Marcus, and now, Simon. She wanted to move faster, to help them, but she couldn't bring her legs to move any quicker. Fuck this, she thought. I'm never doing acid again.

Andi could hear Maria's screams and Simon's shouts and she got closer. She expected to hear that familiar voice that gave her chills amongst the chaos but instead, she heard someone else yelling and cursing.

"Chico?" Andi whispered to herself, hurrying to round the corner into the room. "What the fuck?" She watched as Chico threw Simon off of him, the Latino boy previously having been held down by her friend as they wrestled over the gun. Before Andi could question what was going on, a shirtless Marcus sprinted past her and out the door.

"Andi! Get out of here!" Simon yelled just before Chico's fist slammed into his jaw.

The blonde was able to shake the daze enough to listen to him, her adrenaline fueling her as she took off down the hall after Marcus. Andi glanced over her shoulder and saw Chico aiming his gun in their direction, but he wasn't able to get a shot off as Maria slashed him with her fan.

Chico tossed her to the side and raised his weapon once more. He fired at them as they ran down the hall toward the emergency exit, yet none of the bullets came close to Andi.

𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄 | marcus arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now