chapter fourteen. blowgun puns

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"you'll make your ancestors proud"


"Blowguns were used by the jungle people of Nicaragua for thousands of years 'til the Soviets gave them janky Kalashnikovs," DeLuca taught as she paced the front of the room. "To use one, you must be centered with total focus. Well, let's see what you've got."

The class split into four rows, lined up with their blowguns to take their shot at the dummies set up for them. Andi watched from the back of the line as Marcus made his attempt. It was a rather sad attempt, his dart leaving the blowgun and immediately dropping to the floor. The blonde winced as Marcus looked around embarrassed before walking to the back of the line.

She turned to him as he stood behind her. "You blew it," she said, trying to keep a smile off her face. He shook his head at her and let out a small laugh. She could not help it anymore; she smiled at him and laughed too.

"Did you just make a blowgun pun?" he teased.

"Absolutely," she replied before the smile faded. "In all seriousness though, that was kind of pathetic."

Marcus winced slightly, "Yeah..."

"You could start by not holding it backwards." She watched as he looked down at the blowgun incredulously. He had not even realized that it was fucking backwards. "You would be so lost without me."

Marcus flipped the blowgun around in his hands so that it was facing the right direction and then loaded a new dart. Andi gave him another tip, "Space your hands out and grip it with your fingertips, like you're playing the flute, not trying to Hulk smash something." He smirked at her reference and she caught him. "Yeah, I know who the Hulk is. Just watch me, okay?" He nodded as she stepped forward for her turn.

Andi squared her shoulders towards her target and demonstrated the tips she told Marcus. The dart left her blowgun and planted itself in the dummy's forehead, right between the eyes. She turned to DeLuca who gave her an approving nod. The blonde looked to Marcus, "Do what I just did and you'll make your ancestors proud."

Marcus let out a sarcastic laugh as the girl practically skipped to the back of the line. Andi leaned to the side to peek around the others in front of her as she watched Marcus' second attempt. She smiled as he doubled checked the blowgun was facing the right direction and then changed the positioning of his hands. When he shot the dart, it actually hit the dummy. It was not as well struck as Andi's but it was significant progress.

He walked to the back of the line and Andi nudged him with her elbow playfully. "I knew you were a fast learner."

The rest of Blow Dart Workshop went by rather quickly. Marcus' aim only improved with each attempt, and Andi could not help but feel a little pride. The class was soon dismissed, everyone leaving for the bathrooms to change back into their uniforms.

𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄 | marcus arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now