chapter nine. cat and mouse

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"if you want something, you have to take it"


Andi and Saya leaned against a pillar near the front door of Shabnam's house, drunk and high teenagers surrounding them from all sides. The blonde tried to appear casual but she continued to glance at the door every five seconds waiting for a certain new student to walk through it. Simon had met up with some of the other preps when they arrived and the Londoner was currently shotgunning beers in the kitchen with them. They girls were more low-key about their drinking habits however, choosing to sip vodka from Saya's flask to build up their buzz.

"Target at two o'clock," Saya whispered to Andi with a mocking smile. Andi rolled her eyes and nudged the other girl playfully as she looked up to see Marcus trailing behind Billy. The Latino boy locked eyes with her as he passed, Andi shooting him a wink as she raised the flask to her lips.

"You gonna go talk to him or what? What happened to your big plan?" Saya teased. Andi's eyes glanced at Simon over Saya's shoulders and thought about their altercation earlier in the day. Saya caught her gaze and looked in the same direction. "Simon? What are you worried about with Simon?"

Andi sighed, taking another gulp and letting the liquor burn as she swallowed. "He got all weird about Marcus earlier. I know he was just being overprotective but it still irked me. I was hoping Maria was going to be here to distract him, but..."

"Forget Simon being an ass," Saya interrupted. "He's obviously distracted right now, so go get your guy. If I need to play babysitter for the two of you idiots tonight then so be it. Just know that you'll owe me big time."

Andi gave the Kuroki girl a genuine smile, "Thanks, Saya." The dark-haired girl laughed.

"Don't get soft on me now," she said, slinging an arm over the blonde's shoulder. "C'mon."

The two girls walked over to Marcus and Billy who were meeting up with Lex. Normally, Andi would have scowled at the spiky-haired teen, but she was in high spirits and she was not going to let him bring her down.

"Ah, look who's gracing us with her legacy presence, and in public no less," Lex stated as he saw Saya approach.

"Different rules outside of school," Saya replied, grabbing a beer from Lex before he turned his attention to Andi.

"Andi, you're looking to be in rare form tonight. No sour looks for Lex tonight?"

Andi snatched the other beer he was. "Nope. Let's be honest, I'm already buzzed and you're much more tolerable when I have a few drinks in me." The blonde looked up at Marcus who was standing next to her.

His attention was moved from her though as he spotted the older, bearded man wandering through the party. "Shit, is that Shabnam's old man?"

Billy finished his sip of beer before answering, "No, sells herb to the Hessians. Probably a pederast."

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