chapter twenty-four. misery loves company

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"if you point your finger at me one more time"


The group of detention-goers quietly made their ways through the halls of King's Dominion. Well, quiet was not exactly the best word to describe their journey. While Petra was leading the way, Chico was trying-and failing-to explain Robocop to Viktor. Andi, trying not to start another awkward conversation with Marcus, decided to help the wannabe drug lord. The one and only time they would ever be on each other's side.

"So he is cop-man or he is cop-robot?" Vik asked thoroughly confused about the idea of the show.

Chico frustrated ran a hand over his shaved head. "Half and half."

"Which is robot half?"

"Oh my god," Andi groaned as Chico let out a "No, man!"

"He's a dude in a big old metal suit," the tattooed teenager continued.

Andi, standing on Vik's other side, stepped in, giving Chico a rest from explaining. "He's a cyborg. Half-man, half-robot, all cop. I'd think you'd be familiar with the idea of someone being a cyborg considering you are also one, Vik." Viktor shot her a glare.

Petra, too, could no longer sit back and listen to the back and forth. "Andi's right. It's not a suit. They replaced his body with cybernetics. The 'robo' part keeps his brain alive." Andi smacked Chico's arm and he moved his hand like a puppet, mocking Petra as she corrected him.

"This is very confusing film," Viktor finally said.

"It's confusing if you only have half a brain," the blonde girl muttered under her breath, causing Chico to scoff out a laugh. She gave him an incredulous look, shocked that he actually laughed at something she said. She sooner thought she would keel over before that happened.

Catching her look, Chico rolled his eyes and whispered, "Cállate."

"Te callas," she whispered back.

As they continued through the corridors, Andi could vaguely hear Saya explaining to Marcus about how he was her pledge and what kind of effect that had on her, such as getting detention for shit that he did. "Your honor lives in your sword, and I'm not leaving my honor in a closet next to some Hot Pockets," Saya said as she finished explaining to the Arguello boy why her sword was so important to her.

"Hey," Andi interjected. "Don't rag on Hot Pockets. They're the only reason I've survived this far in life." The Kuroki girl cracked the slightest of smiles before they were interrupted by Chico shushing them and pointing a finger at Andi. The blonde turned on the taller boy, "If you point your finger at me one more time, I'm gonna break it off and shove it up your ass." He huffed but stayed uncharacteristically quiet before pointing to the staff lounge where all of Lin's monks were hanging out. Chico gave her a smug look as she realized why he shushed them, but she just answered it with a sneer before meeting up with Petra and Viktor.

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