chapter twenty-one. your people

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"i see you"


Simon and Marcus held joysticks in their hands as the small group gathered around the television in Marcus's room to play video games. Andi was sitting beside her best friend, Simon's suit jacket hanging loosely over her shoulders and protecting her from the chill of the room. Willie was next to Marcus, egging him on and playing backseat driver to the Latino boy as he attempted to beat the game.

It was a drastic shift from the tense argument with Chico less than an hour ago, which resulted in physical blows. Andi was enjoying the mundane teenage lifestyle for the moment, not letting herself dwell on what had happened.

"Come on, man. Guard your left. Your left!" Willie told Marcus. Andi glanced over and smiled at how into this game he was, and he was not even playing! Simon was silent and focused in comparison. Marcus simply laughed and did as Willie said.

"Hey," the Arguello boy started, addressing the other three. "What you did tonight, thanks for having my back."

Willie answered almost immediately, "I got to thinking on what you said earlier."

"Which part? I say so many smart things," Marcus replied with a smirk.

Andi rolled her eyes, "More like smartass things." Marcus's crooked smile stretched at her remark.

"About patriotism," Willie continued. "And it wasn't so smart."

"Mm, you must've misunderstood it," Marcus quipped.

Willie shook his head. "You said patriotism was about self-interest, but back in Watts, we had a different kind. The pride wasn't in the government, 'cause they never earned no loyalty from us. It's about community. It's about taking care of your people."

Marcus paused from playing and so did Simon, the group exchanging looks. Marcus looked down before meeting Willie's eyes. "You saying I'm your people?" he asked softly.

"Not if you can't guard your left. Come on, Arguello, carry your weight, man," Willie joked. Marcus smiled and Andi even saw the corner of Simon's lip lift as they turned their attention back to the television, but Marcus was not done yet.

"What about you, Simon? I know why Andi stepped in to help me, but why did you?"

Simon took a deep breath. "Listen, Chico has been a pain in mine and Andi's ass since long before you were a blip on Lin's radar. When Andi went for it, when she walked up to Chico and threw that punch, I knew I was all in. When it comes to my friends, I have their back no matter what. Period," the Londoner explained. "Besides, I meant what I said when I told you I didn't think you were such a bad guy. Would've been a complete dick move if I let Chico kill you just as I started to like you."

𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄 | marcus arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now