Chapter 7

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Authors note
I'm so sorry readers for neglecting you guys but I've been busy with some shitty ass midterms Studying

Snoring from her sleep she stopped when a certain someone was sniffing? Yuzu with half-lidded eyes looked down and saw Mei turn around and in a curled-up position. Yuzu rubbed her eyes and hugged bringing her closer. "Baby are you okay?" Yuzu asked snuggling in Mei's hair.

Mei couldn't say anything she was too busy crying. "I- it's... Nothing Yuzu go back to sleep" Mei said studdering a bit. She didn't trust her words right now she some more time to calm down. "Shhh... It's alright, it's alright" Yuzu said laying soft kisses on Mei's head. Yuzu softly turned Mei around to face her but she couldn't. Mei was in fact still in her ball position.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Yuzu said pushing aside a strand of hair behind Mei's ear. "It's just about dad Yuzu," Mei said a lot calmer now. Yuzu was saddened that Mei commented that so she picked Mei up in her arms when she stood up. "Yuzu! What are you doing?" Mei asked slightly embarrassed.

Yuzu laid down with Mei on top of her so she could get as much physical contact as she could. "I wanted to make you feel secured" Yuzu answered kissing Mei's knuckles. "I" kiss "love" kiss "you," yuzu said between her kisses. Mei blushed and snuggled in Yuzu's chest.

Both Mei and Yuzu melted when they both were snuggled together. "Good night and don't let the nightmares bite," Yuzu said chuckling at her last words. Mei pinched her side and gave her a small grunt. Sleeping comfortably now they both slept away.

*Beep! *Beep!* Mei's clock rang throughout the room. "Ugh, why so early," Yuzu said opening her eyes while shielding them. "Time to get up Yuzu" Mei said already dressed in her uniform. "Wait... How?! Did you wake up too early" Yuzu said pouting. Walking to Yuzu. Mei giggled at Yuzu's little outburst. Mei pinched Yuzu's nose and rested her forehead on Yuzu's. "If you don't get up I'll hate you forever," Mei said in her monotone voice.

"Hey! Don't use that voice on me... You know that hurt" Yuzu said crossing her arms and sticking out her tongue. "Oh shush you get used to it now go and get ready," Mei said giggling at the sight of Yuzu's bed hair. She sheepishly got up and walked her way to the bathroom.

"I'll be cooking breakfast if you need me," Mei said while walking to their kitchen. Mei cooked some waffles with some shredded chocolate and frosting with syrup. As Mei laid their breakfast on the counter Yuzu walked up to her and hugged her from behind. "Is this why you woke me up earlier?" yuzu said gently bitting Mei's ear lobe. "Mmhhh..." Mei shuddered and holding onto the chair for balance. *kiss* Yuzu kissed Mei's ear lobe. "Thank you for breakfast amazing as always," Yuzu said as she sat down.

Chowing down on their food Yuzu and Mei made some chit-chat during it. Yuzu checking the clock "it's time to go Mei before we're late" the blonde said as she got up. Washing their dishes and shit they walked out together holding hand to hand. (Beep censoring) halfway their they let go of each other hands and kept walking.

"Yuzuko!" Haruim yelled from the gate. "Heyyy!!!!" yuzu yelled back. Running to Harium. Yuzu put her arm around Haruim's neck and drafted her away. Mei felt sad because her beautiful dumb blonde girlfriend is gone and is replaced by Himeko. "Mei Mei hello? Are you there? We need to discuss the upcoming school trip" Himeko said.

All Mei could say was an uh-huh. Going into their seats and shit the teacher talked some random lectures. "Class I need you, girls, to behave we have an upcoming school trip," the teacher said. "Hey, yuzu what are you going to bring on the trip?" Haruim spoke as she tapped Yuzu's shoulder. The blonde thinking for a few moments until she just shrugged it off.

~PE CLASS bc I love it
"Alright class today we'll be performing a basketball game" Coach announces in the microphone. All the students let out a groan. "Yuzu do you want to place a bet?" Haruim asked. "Yeah sure but what kind?" Yuzu responded. "Let's place 20 dollars each for the betting team," Haruim said.

"Alright but we have to be on separate teams," Yuzu said with a smirk.


Yuzu on the white team and Haruim on the pink team. "Commence the game" Coach blew in the whistle. Yuzu took the ball and dripple it to half-court. The blonde threw the ball to hit a three-pointer. "Tch that ain't fair," Haruim said.

During the whole game, the pink team didn't score a single point, and while the white did, it was Yuzu who did it all. "Wow... Do you see that hot blonde girl?" a student whispered loud enough to let Mei hear. 'Who do they think they are?' Mei thought.

When Yuzu was done with the huge crowd of girls surrounding her she ran to Mei. "Meiiiiiii there you are," Yuzu said hugging Mei. "Yuzu you're crushing me" The dark hair girl muffled in the Blonde's chest. "Oh... I'm sorry" Yuzu said as she let go.

"But I thought you were going to do your council work prez," Haruim asked. "I did but I came to check on Yuzu," Mei said in her cold voice. "Alright alright no need to be cold now and Haruim give me my 20 dollars," Yuzu said.

Harumi rampaged in her pocket and grabbed a 20 dollar bill. "Here," Said as she handed it over. "You shouldn't have challenged me to that game," Yuzu said smirking. "Yuzu I need you in the council room after class," Mei said in her monitored voice. "Yes ma'am," Yuzu said with a grin.

>>>Changing room

"Wow Yuzu what kind of workout do you do?" Harumi asked as she looked at Yuzu's abs. Yuzu smirked and tensed her body to show more toned muscles. Every student in the changing room whispered among themself.

"Damn you see that? Look at those triceps and biceps" A girl said. "Not to mention the abs and the back muscles," another girl said. Mei on the other hand overheard them. The dark-haired girl sent a death glare at them.

Scared they turn their back and kept changing. "Oh hey Mei-" Yuzu said as she got interrupted with a thrown shirt on her face. "Cover yourself," Mei said walking out. "Awe isn't she cute? She's embarrassed" the blonde said with a lop-sided grin.


note Thank you for reading 🤔

Hope you guys continue to read and not minding the stupid updates.

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