Chapter 2

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Author note
Lmao sorry thought I was gonna be late ✌️😂 I am going to give you guys how Yuzu's outfit looks like and the normal one. Btw I made some huge changes in the school clothing. Nvm I'll put the normal one the next chapter fam.

-Starting scene-
A short girl with curly/wavy ponytails walked up to her simply. "What's going on here?" the twintails girl asked. "umm.....She is not wearing the proper dress code, vice president." the girl said studdering. The twin tails girl stared at Yuzu for a minute slowly studying her up and. I looked down to see the twintails girl and said "My bad Vice President I didn't know the school rules hehe..." Yuzu said mischievously while giving the 2 girls a bright smile. "That's okay but next time I need you to follow the school dress code." the twintails said while sighing.

Then Yuzu checked on her phone for a minute until another girl appeared. "What's going on here?" the black hair girl said eyeing Yuzu down. "she isn't following the dress code Mei," the twintails said. Mei sighed "Student I need your phone." Mei said. "I can't give it to you I have important matters on my cellphone." Yuzu said. "Ha! You make me laugh a delinquent like you have important matters." the twintails blunted out. Mei sighed and started to take Yuzu's phone off her hand but she couldn't get it because of Yuzu's grip.

-Other students views-
Yuzu standing on her high ground while looking down at a struggling Mei. Yuzu whispered in Mei's ear "hey cutie if I could have my phone back later I'll give it to you right now. Yuzu finished it with a kiss on Mei's ear lobe. Yuzu could hear a little squeak from Mei when she was talking in her ears. "Holy shit this person name Mei is my type." Yuzu thought in her head while staring at the blushing tomato in front of her. "S-stop it.." Mei said studdering. "Hey Jessica do you see that blonde? She's so hot lol." A random student said. As soon as that student said that more students started to mutter out compliments for the blonde. "......" Mei finally got her act together and Yuzu's phone in her hands. "I'll hand this back later student..." Mei said walking away and the other students followed. "Damn those dumb trucks are hitting hard though plus she's cute." Yuzu said muttering.

"Alright I gotta go or else I'm late" looking at her G-shock watch. Walking into her classroom she stood there as she introduced herself. "Hello everyone my name is Yuzu Okogi a pleasure meeting you guys." Yuzu said with her biggest smile showing her k9's teeth off. Every girl looked at her blushing while Mei looking out the window ignoring her. "Alright Okogi you can sit next to Mei." The teacher said. Yuzu walked over to Mei and whispered in her ear with her hand blocking everyone's view. "Hey cutie I sit right next to you." Yuzu said kissing Mei's ear lobe. "squeak..." Mei said out of embarrassment. "heh" Yuzu said sitting down next to Mei.

-Class is over because who likes school-
-Lunch Break-

"Damn, I didn't bring my lunch." Yuzu said out of ignorance. "Hey I know a great place that sells food outside the school grounds," someone said tapping on Yuzu's shoulder. Yuzu looked over starting straight into the person view while Mei stood up and went out of class. "Alright I wanna go lmao." Yuzu said laughing. They both stood up and exited the class. "Alright we gotta be extra fast so people won't catch us," the girl said. "Got it." Yuzu said running as well as the girl followed her. They reached the stairs and Yuzu started jumping down the stairs like a parkour master.

"Damn how you do that lol." the girl said running down the stairs. They continued to run out of school and they've reached the entrance of the school. "Alright so who are you and where is that restraint." Yuzu said. "I'm Harumi Taniguchi and the restraint is a nice comfy cafe place that serves amazing sandwiches." Harumi said. "Epic I need an egg sandwich once in a while." Yuzu said sarcastically. After a while, they have reached the restraint and ordered their meals. "Eating at this place is the best Harumi!". "I know right." Harumi said laughing.

-Time Skip there back in class last class before school is over-

"This class sucks ass...." Yuzu told Harumi in a sarcastic tone. "I know right." Harumi said, after an hour or two school was over. "Harumi you can go I gotta wait for the council president.". "Alright I am going to head out now." Harumi said. After a while, while the short black hair girl was nowhere in sight so Yuzu decided to look for her. While walking Yuzu heard sounds of moaning behind a building corner when she was walking.

"The fuck man who is having sex in school ugh. Better not be Mei cause Imma make her mine." I said, looking behind the corner there was Mei "Ugh man he's gonna get beat up hard I tell you that..". I saw a taller man hovering over Mei and kissing her forcefully and gripping onto her shoulders. "Oh this motherfucker decided to hurt her huh?" Yuzu said smiling mischievously. "Hey whatcha doing?" Yuzu said playfully. "Can't you see we're busy here?!". I looked at Mei "man I gotta tell ya she was so scared and blushing like a tomato but she's really cute though..". "Hey, Mei do you need help?" I saw Mei nodded quickly. I grabbed Mei by the arms and pulled her in for a hug while that guy was looking at me angrily. "You wanna go bitch!?". "Yeah sure" I answered. He ran up to me but I used my hand to block his head away from me. "What are you going to do shorty lmao.". "I'll beat you up!!!!". "Yeah sure shorty keep dreaming," I told him. I kicked his stomach and punched his face making him having a bloody noise and on the floor. "ErrrrGHHH...." He said. "Lmao alright bye shorty."

Authors note
Yolo hi guys 👋🙄 are y'all enjoying it so far?
Imma add what her watch looks like and the normal school outfit. 👋😔 alright bye

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