Mother's worries part 2

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Cybil and barb look everywhere for Knox but they couldn't find him
They both kept looking then stop and rest

"Barb look I wish I can stay and keep helping but I gotta get back to sparky and if I don't she's gonna freak plus she wants her blueberries bad," Cybil said

"Aw come on if it was your kid would you be worried!?" barb said

"Well of course I would be worried but I don't have to worry now I mean the baby isn't gonna be born for another 2 months so"

Barb sign

"You can go to sparky cybil I'll just keep looking. Don't want sparky to be mad at you" Barb said

"Oh, are you sure barb?"

"Oh yeah go ahead, man"

"Okay then but if you need help you know where mine and sparky's pod is" Cybil grab the basket of blueberries and walk to his and sparky's pod


Barb kept looking for Knox but she couldn't find him anywhere

She walks past a tree and heard sniffling
She looks at the tree and sees a small hole. She looks inside the hole seen Knox


Knox look up and seen barb

"Mom?" he said

"Oh, Knox! There you are! I've been looking all over for you! I was so worried are you okay?" she asked

"Yeah I'm fine," Knox said

"Knox I am so sorry
I didn't mean to yell at you
I just want you safe and I almost got scared I thought the tree smash you but I'm just glad your okay Knox so come on out and let's go home and tomorrow we can go out and eat whatever"

Knox smiled and climb out of the hole and jump in barbs arms

Both smiled at each other and went home


This was requested by SprinkleDots37
A broppy one-shot is coming up next

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