Bad hiccups pt 3

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Poppy ran all the way to branch's bunker and started to knock

"Branch, branch, br*hiccups*branch"
Branch open the door-mat
"Poppy? What's up?"
"I NEED YOU TO *hiccups* KISS ME RIGHT *hiccups* NOW!!" poppy said getting inpatient

"Okay first can you plus calm down and second talk slowly not so fast"

Poppy sign
"I need you *hiccups* to kiss me right now so *hiccups* my hiccups can go away" Poppy said

"Oohhh okay"
Branch put his hand on her cheek and kiss her
Poppy kiss back then pulled away and stood quiet for a min

"I think their gone" She then gasp

"Oh my troll!!! Their gone!! Aahh!!! My hiccups are gone!!! Yes!! Thank you branch!!! I love you so much!!! Aahh!!!" poppy shouted and jump up and down

Sparks and barb watch her from afar
"Whelp her hiccups are gone now" Sparky said

Both look at each other
"Good job"
They high five and went to do what cousins do

The end..
Hope you like it bye!!

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