Pregnant pt 4

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"Come on Lloyd it will be great for you 2 to have another sibling" Branch said as Leo and cream both sat on the couch

"Yeah great for you guys! Plus everyone knows baby's get all the attention -.-" Lloyd said glaring at branch

"Okay, now that is not true!"

"Yeah sure" Lloyd rolled his eyes

"Okay come one guy! This will be great and you'll have another sibling to hang out with. This will be fun I promise "

Lloyd whispered to cream
"Remind me to get rid of it when its born"
Cream elbowed him ''Sshh!"

''Oh, my troll! Theirs so much work to do
We gotta make room in the pod, a baby shower, and the gender reveal!!! AAAAHHH!!! So much to do!!!"

"Hey pops it's okay
Look these things take time and don't worry we still have a few months before the baby shower and the gender reveal" branch said rubbing her back

"Okay, yeah your right we still have time. AAAAHHH!!! We're gonna need help with stuff!!!" poppy shouted and ran out the pod

"Don't worry dad
We'll help too right Lloyd  -.-" She said glaring at him

"Oh yeah we'll help even after the baby is born"
Cream rolled her eyes and elbowed him

"Okay well I better go find your mother"
Branch said walking out of the pod

Cream look at Lloyd
"You not try getting rid of that baby if you do your gonna be in big! Trouble -.-"

"Aw don't worry! I won't 😁" Lloyd said smiling

"You better not Lloyd!" Cream said walking out of the pod

To be continued...

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