Bad hiccups pt 2

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"Okay poppy there are lots of ways to get rid of hiccups," Sparky said taking poppy and barb go her pod
She went into the kitchen and started to take stuff out

"What are you d*hiccups* doing? "Poppy ask while she and barb watch sparky
"Well......" shows her the sugar

"When I was little I would always get hiccups and my father would always give me sugar to get rid of them and it would always work so let us see if this does" Sparky gives Poppy a spoon of sugar

Poppy just look at it and put the sugar in her mouth

Barb and sparky waited for a few minutes

"Hey I think the-*hiccups* never *hiccups* mind -.-"

"Huh that's weird
Work for me" Sparky said

"Ooohhhh!!!!  Know what she needs!!"Barb smiled and dig in her had pulled out the hot sauce

"Okay pop-squeak
When we rock trolls have hiccups the Hot Sauce always works 😌" Barn said about to open it until sparky took it

"Are you crazy!! This is never gonna work!" Sparky said and threw it

Barb gasp "how dare you to throw it!!! 😖"

Sparky rolled her eyes and turn to poppy
"Okay poppy we need to find another way to get rid of them but don't worry there are more ways to get rid of hiccups


"Okay here are some
Scaring, tickling, holding your breath, and kissing'' Sparky said reading the list

Barb stuck her tongue out
"Ew kissing"
Sparky glared at her then turn back to poppy

"Okay! We'll we will start with.......scaring! Kids"
Leo, Knox, Lloyd, and cream all pop out and scared poppy

Poppy scream
"Aaahhh!!!!!!! Why would you *hiccups* do that 😖"

"Well, I thought the scaring would work guess not okay the next 1 is...tickling!''


"Okay poppy Cybil is gonna tickle you and we're gonna see if the hiccups go away''

Cybil started to tickle poppy and poppy started to laugh falling to the floor

After 10 mins of tickling her cybil stop and everyone look at her

" hey! I think it *hiccups*" Poppy sign

"What's next *hiccups* sparky -.- "


"Okay pop-squeak you gotta hold your breath for 19372836 mins, 😌" Barb said about to get the Timer ready until sparky took it

''She is not holding her breath for that long! Poppy just hold your breath until you can't breathe"

Poppy nodded and held her breath
She stops after a few mins
"I wonder if it *hiccups* work 😖"

Poppy fell to the floor
''I can't anymore!! Nothing works!!"

Sparky went next to her
"Hey don't worry
We still have 1 more and that's the kissing 1"

Poppy look at her
"W-who do I guess," she asks

"Well I read you gotta kiss the troll you love"

Poppy gasp

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