The Turq tribe

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Poppy was with Leo in the library looking for more information about the Turq tribe
Ever since Sparky told then about the Turq tribe poppy wanted more information about them so she brought Leo to help but they found nothing about the Turq tribe except for 1 but it doesn't say a lot

Poppy sign
"Were never gonna find anything about these guys! Gosh its like they never existed at all, Leo did you find anything at all?" Poppy turned and look at him

Leo drop 4 books on the floor
"Nope! Nothing about them in any of these books"

Poppy flop to the floor
"What about Sparky? " Poppy ask thinking

"Um what about mom?" Leo ask confused

"I think she said she has....some kind of book or something"

"Im not sure. I don't really look into moms stuff'' Leo said putting the book in his hair

Poppy stood up
"Well Im gonna go ask her if she has any...information about her tribe''


Poppy and Leo walk to Sparky and cybils pod

Poppy was about to knock until Leo just walk in and poppy followed and shut the door behind her

Sparky walk out the room and seen poppy
"Poppy? Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Aunt poppy wanted to ask you something" Leo said walking pass her going to his room
Sparky look at poppy
"a Question? Sure about what?" Sparky ask sitting down

Poppy went and sat next to her
"Well ever since you told us about your other tribe
The Turq tribe I've been trying to find stuff about them in the library'' Poppy said

Sparky look at her like she was crazy
''Poppy....your not gonna find much about the Turq tribe in the library''

Poppy look at her surprise
''Well.....why not?'' she ask

''Because all those books in their are made by the pop trolls''

''Oohh yeah that's true well that's why I came see if you know anything about the Turq tribe i mean im sure your dad to you about them''

Sparky smiled
''Well I do have something that says and tells everything about the Turq tribe"
Poppy watch as sparky got up and walk in her room
She waited for a few minutes hen sparky came out with a book that look more then a 100 years old

''What is that'' Poppy ask as sparky sat down

''This book had everything about the Turq tribes
The past leaders
Our weaknesses and more''

''Woah'' Poppy went to grab the book until sparky pulled is away

''Sorry poppy but you can't touch the book'' Sparky said holding it close to her

''What!? Why not!"

"Look poppy I would love to give it to you but I can't
I have to follow the rules" Sparky said

''Wait what rule!?" poppy ask

5.Never give anyone this book no matter what"

Poppy just rolled her eyes
"Ppft and who made that kind of rule?" Poppy ask

"My Dad'' Sparky said

"O-oh your dad huh
Well your dad is...gone sparky you don't have to follow the rules" poppy said

Sparky shook her head
"Im sorry poppy
If this book gets in the wrong hands im dead"

Poppy look at her confused
"What do you mean your dead?" she ask

"Turq tribes have something that can kill us and if this book goes to the wrong troll that troll can find it and kill me and if they do kill me their won't be anymore of the Turq trolls and even Leo can die from it"

Poppy look shock
She didn't even know what to say

''I-im sorry sparky I didn't even know the Turq trolls have something that can kill you"
Sparky just sign

"Its fine poppy"

Both stood quiet until poppy spoke
''Your dads rules...what are they"
Poppy ask

'' 1st: Never trust a rock troll
  2nd:If you see a rock troll or any kind of troll run and don't look back
  3rd:Never tell anyone who you are and where you live
   4th:Stay inside, never go out unless im with you
   5th:Never give anyone this book no matter what
   6th:You tell no one that your a Turq or rock. Just say your a pop troll
   7th:Eat nothing but the blueberries
   8th:You tell no one about your past
   9th:Get a lot of rest
   10th:Always be prepared"

"Wow you had to follow all of those rules" Poppy ask

"Yeah, Ever since my mom died my dad he's always been protective over me so he made rules for me that I had to follow" Sparky said

"But if your dad is gone why do you still follow his rules'' Poppy ask her

''Reasons" Sparky said getting up and walking to her room
Poppy watch her
She got up and left the pod

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