Pregnant pt 5

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"Kay we're gonna need cake, and lots of food because all the tribes are invited!"Poppy said telling branch, barb, Sparky, Cybil, carol, and holly

"Um poppy I love how excited you are but don't you think inviting all the tribes is.....a lot" Cybil

"You know I agree with the blue boy over here pop squeak. Inventing all the tribes that too many trolls" barb said

The rest all agreed
Poppy sign
"Okay fine! We'll just invite certain trolls then. Okay, Cybil! Carol! and branch! you guys are in charge of the baby shower! Um, holly, barb, and Sparky! You guys are in charge of the gender reveal"

"Um poppy don't you think it a little too early for all this" Sparky ask

"I mean you're not even that big and you still have months"

"I know that's why we're doing it now! 😁" poppy said

"Okay hold on pop squeak
I can not work with this blueberry over here!" barb said pointing at Sparky

"Um excuse me! Who are you calling blueberry?!" Sparky shouted

"You! -.-"

"Kay first off I am no blueberry and second don't you call me that!" Sparky said

"Or what!? What are you gonna do!" Barb shouted

"Oh, I'll show you what I can do bat nose!" Sparky shouted back

Barb gasp
"How dare you call me bat nose!!!" Barb was about to attack her until branch got in front of them

"Okay you 2 enough okay barb you switch me so barb, carol, and Cybil you know what to do and holly, Sparky and me will do the other stuff now let's get to work" branch said walking away

Sparky and barb both glared at each other and walk different ways

Poppy watch with a smile
"The 9 months are gonna be so fun! 😄😁"

To be continued...

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