Old friend part 3

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Sparky couldn't wait to see Todd (*cough* SprinkleDots37)

Sparky, poppy waited for Todd to come they both heard the catter bus then a troll with Green skin and red color hair walk out of the catterbus

"Thank you!" Todd turned around and seen sparky

"Ah!!! Sparky!!!" He screamed running to her

"Aahh!!! Todd!!!" Sparky screamed and ran to him

Both hug each other

"I miss you!!!" They both shouted

"oh T I want you to need Queen poppy of the pops trolls," Sparky said introducing Todd to Poppy

Todd smiled and grab poppy hand and kiss it
"It's a pleasure to meet you Queen poppy," Todd said smiling

Poppy blush and laugh
"Aw and it's a pleasure to meet you too Todd and you can call me poppy"

"Who's this"
The 3 turn around and seen barb, carol, branch, and Cybil

"Oh you guys remember how I said my friend Todd came to visa well this is him
T this is Carol, barb, branch, and my husband Cybil"

"Oh Cybil" Todd walks to Cybil

"So you're the lucky troll who took Sparky -.- ..............BRING IT IN FOR A HUG!!! 😄 "Todd grab Cybil and hug him

Cybil hug back not sure what to do
"Uh okay yeah that's me"

Todd loom at sparky
"Okay, you never told me your husband was this hot!!!!! And a muscle body oh yeah I can tell me and your are gonna be great pals Cybil"

Cybil smiles nervously
"Hehe yeah great pals of course"

Sparky grab Todds hand
"Come on I have so much to show you and we have a lot to talk about"

Cybil watch them walking away feeling upset and he hasn't felt in a long time

Poppy was standing next to him
"Isn't he just.......dreamy"

Cybil look at her like she was crazy

"What!? No, he is not 'dreamy' okay plus branch is like next to you! And he's taking sparkys attention away!" Cybil said getting more upset

"Oh I see what's going on
You jealous" poppy said smiling

"What!? I am not jealous!"

"aw come on baby brother
You know you can't lie to me" Poppy said

"Okay! Fine yes I'm mad and jealous! What if he takes her away from me! You know I can't live without her!!"

"And we all know sparky loves you too much to leave you, Cybil
Plus their just friends" Poppy said smiling at him

Cybil rolled his eyes
"Well what am I suppose to do now
I mean me and sparky are always together, every day we do stuff together but today" he said with his ears down

"Don't worry she be back to spend time with you"


"Oh!!!! I love trolley fries!!!!" Todd said having 5 trolley fries pigs

"Oh yeah I know that" Sparky laugh

"So your and Cybil have kids yet?" Todd ask

"No, not yet
We want kids but we both been busy with the village and I have a garden to do so"

"Is there any other trolls I can meet and have fun with!! Do something dangerous with!?" He asks getting excited

Sparky smirk
"Oh I know a troll who can do dangerous"


"Barb queen of the rock trolls," Barb said shaking Todds hand

"Todd wants to do hang out with you if your not busy," Sparky said

"Nope!! Not busy at all! Follow me, Todd!"

Todd followed her and sparky walk back to her and Cybils pod

''So you like to do dangerous and exciting stuff!!??" Barb asks Todd

"Yes!" He said excitedly

"Great! Because I'm gonna teach you how rock trolls do it!"


Sparky walks into the pod and seen Cybil sitting on the couch with a sad face

She walks to the couch and sat next to him
"Hey? What's wrong?" she asks placing her hand on his

"Nothing," He said turning his head away from her

Sparky sign and got up and sat on his lap
She put her hands on his face and turn his face her way

"Baby I've known you for years and I know when your lying so pls telling me what's wrong and if you don't I'm gonna cuddle your with losses all over your face until you tell me what is wrong with you"

Cybil sign knowing there was no way out of this one

"Would you ever leave me for another......troll?" He asks looking at her with sad eyes

"Another troll? What no of course not Cybil. I love you too much to even fall for another troll plus theirs no other trolls I would wanna be with" She said smiling at him

"Not even Todd?" He asks

Sparky looks at him like he was crazy

"Pfft I'm not into male trolls they like male trolls"

"Wait what?" Cybil look at her confused

"Todd likes other males
Not females"

Cybil blush and covered his face
"Oh, my troll! I didn't know that! I feel so stupid"

Sparky laughter and wrap her arms around him

"Well you know Todd is with barb and I think he's gonna be staying the night their so how about me and you go to the bed because I got a little surprise for you"

Cybil smirk and wrap his arms around her

"Oh, a surprise?
I like surprises"

Cybil took sparky to the room and shut the door

Both stood up most of the night having fun with each other

And for Todd
Well we shall say he's having a blast

The end!!!

Okay bye!!

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