Pregnant pt 3

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Poppy woke up and look around and found herself In the bed

"Morning sleepy head"
She looks up and seen branch standing next to the door

"Oh hey branchie" Poppy smiled

"So I talk to sparky this morning," He said walking to the bed

"O-oh you did 😁😅 a-about what?"
She said smiling

"Poppy just tell me
Is it true? Are you pregnant?" He asks

Poppy sign "yes I am!" Poppy laid back down

"Well, that's good right?" Branch ask "I mean I know we never planned on having another kid but at least Lloyd and cream will have another sibling" Branch said smiling

Poppy smiled at him
"Yeah That's true"

"I'm just glad we're having another one coming"

"Me to" Poppy hug him

Branch smiled and hugs back

"Now! We shall get to work!" He shouted and got up and ran out of the room
Poppy giggled and got up and walk out of the room to get started

She looks around
"Well we're gonna need more stuff"
Branch nodded and both walk out of the pod and seen Leo with a book

"Oh hey Leo what you got their" Poppy ask

Leo smiled and showed then the book
Poppy look at it
"Turrrrrrrq? What's a Turq?" She asks looking at branch

Branch just shrug

"Do you know where Lloyd and cream are?" Leo ask

"They should be where they usually are"
"Okay, thanks!"
They both watch him run

"Still trying to figure out what a Turq if," Poppy said

"Don't worry we'll talk about that later for now we just need to get some stuff from the bunker lets go" He grabs her hand and they both walk to the bunker


Both got stuff from the bunker and headed to the pod putting everything in place

Lloyd and cream both walk-in watching their parents put baby stuff everywhere

"Uuh what are you guys doing?" Lloyd ask

"Oh well......we have something to tell you guys...I'm pregnant!" Poppy said with a smile

"Yeah!!!" Cream shouted with joy


To be continued...

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