the introduction

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I woke up on a chilly monday morning to my alarm blaring.

Will was still asleep, meaning I could leave and he would most likely not notice.

He was filing for divorce, and I was fine with that. He didn't care for me like he used to, and I knew that I needed someone who could.

I rolled out of bed, slowly slipping out of the bedroom and to the bathroom that was down the hall.

I had about an hour and a half before I needed to be into work so I used that time to my advantage.

I washed my hair and body, letting the steam take over a small headache.

Once I was done, I snuck back into the bedroom and grabbed an olive green colored long sleeve shirt with black slacks.

I went back to the bathroom and put my hair up in a towel, letting it dry.

I brushed my hair, parting it in the middle and keeping it down.

I went downstairs and put on a pair of black boots, ones I wear way too often.

I slipped out of the house, being as quiet as possible to not wake Will up.

Once I made it to my car, I texted Emily to see if she wanted to get coffee before work.


hey em! i was thinking we could get coffee before work, how does that sound?

You put your phone on its stand and started to head to the local coffee shop.

Even if Emily couldn't join you, you still needed coffee.

Your phone lit up, revealing a text from Emily.


Sure! Coffee shop on Fifth?

You texted back quickly, glad you had a coffee buddy.


yep, heading there now:)

You pulled into the parking lot, Emily not far behind.

"Morning Jayje, how are you?" She said, a smile lighting up her face.

"As okay as a person can be on a monday morning, you?" I asked, laughing.

"Same as you. Although, we are getting a new team member today so that'll be exciting. Would you mind showing her around when she gets to the office?" Emily asks, looking at you with pleading eyes.

"Of course, Em. It'll be fun," I said, realizing that we needed to get coffee quickly to make it to work on time.

You both walked into the coffee shop, quickly ordering.

Thankfully, it wasn't too busy.

"Do you just wanna head into the office together? I can bring you back here later, God forbid we have a case," Emily said, laughing.

"Sure, and if we do I can just have Will come get it," I said, mentally shuddering at his name.

Emily didn't ask anything about him, which I was very grateful for.

I got into the passenger seat, buckling my seatbelt and watching as Emily turned on the car.

I had always been attracted to women, and once I learned that Emily was also I felt calmer in the BAU.

She is the Unit Chief, after all.

After about ten minutes of talking, Emily pulled into the parking lot of the FBI building.

Both of you both got out, still talking and slowly drinking coffee.

"So the new agent should be here at around 9:00, meaning you have about 30 minutes until she gets here."

"Perfect," I said, planning out how I am going to introduce myself and the team.

We walked into the lobby and to the elevator, Emily pressing 6 on the pad.

"I'm so ready for another woman on the team. It's only you, Tara and I that go out into the field and we need another. And Penelope works from here, I wish she came with us more often," I said, taking another sip of my coffee.

"Me too, maybe I can talk to some people to get Penelope out there with us more," she said, both of you laughing. As much as Penelope said she loved you all, I knew she wouldn't survive a second in the field.

The elevator bell dinged and we walked through the glass doors into the bullpen. Spencer, Tara, Rossi, Luke and Matt were already there, greeting the two of you as you walked in.

You both said your good mornings, Emily heading to her office and me to my desk.

"So, I heard there's a new agent," Spencer said, looking at me.

"I can confirm, and she will be here in about ten minutes," I say, looking at the clock.

"She? Did Prentiss tell you that?" Tara asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Yes, Emily did tell me that. We are getting a new female agent on the team," I said, Tara's smile widening.

She whispered a quiet yay! before returning to work.

I focused on my paperwork as much as possible, time moving excruciatingly slow.

Finally, the glass doors opened and revealed a gorgeous woman.

She was wearing a dark red long sleeve shirt tucked into grey pants and black heeled boots.

She immediately looked at you and smiled, slowly walking towards you.

"Uhm, hi. Do you know where Agent Prentiss' office is?" She asks, her voice soft.

"Yes, right up the stairs. I'm Jennifer, by the way, but everyone calls me JJ." I smiled, holding my hand out for a handshake.

"Thank you, I'm y/n," she said, returning the handshake.

I watched as she walked up the stairway, her every move catching my eye.

I saw Spencer walking towards me, so I turned around and took my eyes off of the new agent.

"So, do I see that JJ has a small crush on the new agent?" He asked, a smirk crossing his face.

"I do not. And even if I did, I couldn't act on it because i'm still married," I say.

Before Spencer could say anything back, Emily and y/n walked down the stairs.

"Everyone, this is agent y/l/n. These are agents Alvez, Lewis, Rossi, Simmons, Jareau and Dr. Reid."

"Hi everyone, i'm y/n," she said, a smile lighting up her face.

She shook everyone's hands, except Spencer's.

Everyone gave her their first names, realizing that Prentiss had only said their last.

"I'll have JJ show you around, if that's okay," Emily asked.

"Sounds perfect," y/n said, that gorgeous smile lighting up her face again.


hello everyone!!!

welcome to the new fic:)

i hope to be updating this a lot, i can't wait for it

this chapter was mainly an intro, so sorry for it being so boring

anywho, i hope you all enjoy!

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