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TW: homophobia, past abuse

Y/n and I had fallen asleep on the couch, the both of us being too lazy to get up and move to the bed.

I woke up and grabbed my phone, checking the time.

5:00 am

I groaned. I had woken up at 5am on my day off. Great.

I didn't wanna wake up y/n but I also wanted to move to the bed. My neck was killing me, and I needed the support from the pillow.

"Hey babe, how about we go to bed," I whispered, slowly nudging her.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open, looking up at me.

She nodded, getting up and taking my hand.

I laughed as she pulled me to bed, wanting to get back to sleep as fast as possible.

Y/n quickly got under the covers on her side and I got in on mine. I pulled her close to me, my arm wrapped around her torso. She hummed as I placed a kiss on the top of her ear, the deep blanket of sleep pulling us both under for the second time.


A few hours later, y/n and I both woke up.

It was 11am, a much better time to wake up.

My arm was still wrapped around y/n, her back pressed against my front and our legs tangled together. Small snores were coming from her, and that just made me fall more. Anything she does is perfect.

Like her.

A few minutes after I woke up, y/n followed suit.

"Morning baby," I said, turning her over and placing a kiss on her jaw.

"Morning Jayje," she said. Her morning voice was insanely hot, if I do say so myself.

"If Emily calls us in today I'm not going," she said, completely turning over and placing her head under my chin.

"Well, she shouldn't call us unless there's a serial killer on the loose. And, there's very many of those so you never know. But we haven't had a day off in a long time so maybe another team would take it," I said, kissing the top of her head.

"JJ, remember last night when you said we had to talk and I tensed up?" She asked, moving away from me. The sudden cold from the removal of her body heat shocked me, it left a sad feeling of emptiness.

"Yeah, I do remember. And you said you would tell me when you were ready," I said.

"Last night I woke up thinking about it, and realized you don't know much about me. I know what you're gonna say, but I want to tell you about my past," she said. Her eyes didn't show anxiety, they showed more confidence than anything.

"Okay. Tell me as much as you want, but you don't have to tell me everything if you don't want to," I said, leaning in to kiss her.


"Hey y/n, we need to talk," your mother said.

"What's up?" I asked, sitting on the couch next to her.

"So there are rumors that you're dating this girl, is that true?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked. It's true, I was dating a girl but I never asked my mother on her opinion on the LGBTQ community.

"Y/n, do not lie to me," she said, standing up and raising her voice.

"Mom I-"


Tears began to well, I was never the person who could endure yelling.

"You're a filthy little bitch, you know that right? Makes sense why your father left. You're disgusting."

She spat out words left and right, and eventually slapped me across the face.

I couldn't form words, so I ran up to my room and locked the door. Thankfully, my window could open so I could get out. I grabbed anything I could and ran, getting as far away from this horrible place as possible.


"Baby, I'm so sorry," I said. I know it's not much, but I'm at a loss for words. I pulled y/n close to me, sobs wracking her body. I held her as close as possible, leaving small kisses on the top of her head and whispering encouragements to her.

After a little while, her cries had subsided and she was calming down.

"Y/n, what your mother did to you was not okay. You should be able to love whoever you want, it doesn't matter who they are. And that experience shaped you into who you are today. The strongest, most lovable person I have ever known. You can do anything with a smile on your face, even if it's hurting you. And I know you have trouble putting your feelings into words sometimes, but it happens. And I want you to know that I love you." Those last three words surprised me. I know I love her, but I didn't want to say it so soon, let alone in a moment like this.

"I love you, too," y/n whispered.

I looked down at her, a smile covering my face.

"Baby, I'm always here for you. It doesn't matter if you want to talk about it, don't want to talk about it or just want to be held. I will always be here, arms wide open," I smiled.

"Thank you, JJ. I mean it when I say I love you. I really do, and that's hard for me to say but with you it just seems so easy."

We talked for a little while longer, eventually getting up to make breakfast.

I made waffles and bacon, y/n's favorite. She put on TV, flipping through channels to stop on a random show to use as background noise. We talked more while we ate. I truly realized how much I love y/n, and as a matter of fact, it didn't scare me. When I would fall in love with someone, I would be absolutely terrified. But this time, it felt like it was meant to be.

We spent the day watching movies, eating snacks and cuddling.

I was truly in love, and I couldn't be happier.


hi everyone:) I apologize for not updating, I've been very very busy lol. anyways, this chapter was sad, so I apologize for that. eat food, drink water and remember ily all!!

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