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I woke up to my phone ringing, my arm still wrapped around y/n. I expected the call to be from Emily, but it was Will.


JJ. When you get back from this case I need you to sign the divorce papers. I can't do this anymore. I don't love you.


Okay, I will. As soon as we get back. Bye.



Although I was sure I didn't love him anymore, tears started to stream down my face.

We had loved each other at one point, and it was amazing. The laughs, the date nights, the kisses, the everything. But it was over. He didn't love me anymore, and I didn't love him. It still hurt, the pain of losing your first and longest love was something you were never expecting.

A few moments later, you felt arms wrapping around you.

"JJ, what's wrong? Come here," y/n said, her voice soft and caring.

I relaxed into her touch, tears still free-falling.

Y/n whispered lots of 'it's okays' and 'i'm here's' to help stop your crying.

I stopped crying, only having small sniffles here and there.

"Do you wanna tell me what's wrong? You don't have to, but I want you to know i'm here," she whispered, stroking my hair out of my face.

"Uhm, I know i'm not wearing a ring but i'm married. We are getting divorced, and he called me to tell me that when we get back from the case I have to sign the papers. We don't love each other, but the fact that he was my longest love and now it's over, it just hurts. And if you want to leave, that's fine, I get it 100%. I made a mistake and cheated and that's not something that I normally do because it's not okay. I'm so sorry, y/n."

"Hey, JJ, look at me," she put her hand under my chin and pulled my face up to look at her.

"I'm not leaving. And for the short amount of time i've known you, I know that you are one of the most caring people ever. You truly care for everyone around you and the fact that you owned up to your mistake so quickly is something not many people can do. I will stick with you through this, and I know everyone else here on the team is also a huge support system for you. I care a lot about you, and I can tell that the team does too. We will all get through this together, okay?"

I whispered a quiet 'okay' and rested my head on her shoulder.

A few minutes later, I got a call from Emily.

JJ, we have a break in the case. I need you and y/n at the station.


Of course, we'll be there as soon as possible.

I hung up and turned to y/n, telling her to use the shower first.

She nodded, planting a kiss on my cheek before heading to her go-bag for clothes.

While she was showering, I texted Emily.


hey, is there a chance we could talk? sometime today would be great.

I grabbed some clothes from my go bag, waiting for y/n to finish up showering.

My phone dinged, and I quickly went to check.


Of course. If the case isn't solved today, which hopefully it is, you can come to my room and we can chat. If it is, I doubt we'll fly back tonight so just come over.

baby i'm yours (jennifer jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now