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this chapter includes dom! jj, plane sex

It was Sunday morning. The previous day was wasted away, watching TV and eating random snacks.

We got a call that there was a case, so I woke y/n up and quickly headed to the shower.

Since we had to be at the BAU in about 30 minutes, y/n and I had to shower together. Neither of us complained though.

We quickly undressed, the water beginning to steam up the bathroom.

I washed y/n's body, the soap covering her. She turned to me and grabbed my chin in between her thumb and index finger. She kissed me, but it wasn't as feverish as normal. It was soft, and loving. I wanted to tell her I love her, but it was terrifying.

When I'm around her, it feels like we're supposed to be together. Like we're meant to be. But those three words scared the shit out of me, and I think it's because the last person I said them to ended up hurting me in more ways than one. But y/n is different. She works so hard to keep people in her life, especially when she cares a lot for them.

After my small crisis, we realized we had to get out of the shower and get to work. We quickly dried off and got ready. I wore a white blouse tucked into a pair of black slacks with black combat boots. Y/n wore an olive green long sleeve and a pair of navy blue slacks and gray slip on shoes. Hand in hand, we headed out the door.

"Uhm, I know this isn't the place I wanted to do this but I can't wait any longer. Y/n, I love you," I said, swallowing thickly. We reached a red light and I looked over at her. She was looking at me with tears in her eyes, but they weren't tears of sadness or anger. It was happiness.

"I love you too, JJ," she said, grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it. I smiled, leaning over the center console for a quick kiss. The light turned green and the smile on my face never left. Y/n had pulled out her phone for music, not wanting to sit in silence for any longer. Although silence was nice, music was needed for this moment. A moment of the feeling of safety, and best of all, the feeling of love.

An unrecognizable song came on, and y/n began laughing hysterically.

"What's wrong?" I asked, laughing. Her laugh is contagious, after all.

"For some reason this song always makes me laugh, no idea why," she said, turning it up.

Flicking through a little book of sex tips

Remember when the boys were all electric?

A few minutes later, we pulled up at the office.

Surprisingly, we weren't late.

We waltzed in, hand in hand. I didn't care about the looks we got, I was holding the hand of the love of my life.

We got to the top of the elevator and walked through the glass BAU doors. Y/n refused to let go of my hand, and I didn't pull away. We realized that the team was very accepting, and half of them already knew anyways. We walked into the round table room, Luke cheering for us.

"I knew it!" He said, coming up to give me a hug.

"I thought you guys might've figured it out already, I mean half the team already knew," I said, hugging him back.

"Wait, woah woah woah. What do you mean half the team already knew?" He asked, a fake look of hurt on his face.

"Girls night," y/n and I said in unison, laughter erupting from the three of us in the room.

We all sat down in our seats, y/n choosing a spot next to me. Garcia presented the case, which was in California. The flight is about five hours, and I looked at y/n with a devilish smirk on my face. Her cheeks went red; she knows exactly what i'm planning.

A few minutes later, Garcia finished the briefing and Emily signaled for wheels up in 20. We filed out of the round table room, y/n and I being last.

"When everyone falls asleep on the plane, you're in for a treat. Now, if you're a brat, i'm not going to let you cum. Understand?" I ask, whispering in y/n's ear. She swallowed thickly, nodding.

"I need words, baby. I need to know you're okay with this. You can say no if you want," I said, fully turning my body towards her.

"Yes," she said. I could tell she was turned on, and that made me chuckle.

The team grabbed their go bags and headed out the BAU doors to the tarmac. We filed onto the jet, picking our seats. Y/n and I chose the couch in the back, Prentiss on the couch towards the front and Matt, Luke, Rossi and Spencer all on their respective chairs.

"Alright, the flight is a little over five hours so I say get some sleep. We can debrief again at the precinct," Prentiss stated. The rest of the team nodded, either curling up to fall asleep or putting in earbuds for music. I put my hand on y/n's thigh, keeping it in the same position. After about an hour of flying, everyone was sound asleep except for y/n and I.

"Ready baby? Remember, you can say no at any time," I said, moving my hand up farther.

"Yes," she said, her breath shallowing already. I unzipped her slacks slowly, not letting too much sound escape. I dipped my hand under the waistband of her underwear, y/n shifting so I could reach her pussy. I dragged my middle finger through her slit, wetness pooling already.

"So wet for me, huh?" I whispered, a whimper leaving y/n's lips.

I plunged my middle finger into her, curling up to hit her g-spot. She bit her lip to hide the moan, my finger moving faster. I added my ring finger, my thumb beginning to circle her clit. Y/n's face was turning red, the amount of pleasure being overwhelming. I thrust my fingers into her faster, still curling them.

"JJ, I- I'm gonna cum," she whispered, biting her lip harder.

"Come for me baby," I said, applying more pressure to her clit.

Her head fell back, bottom lip still between her teeth to hide her moans. I continued thrusting my fingers, but slowing down the pace. I took my fingers out and sucked them clean, looking at y/n dead in the eye. She whimpered again, slowly bringing my face to hers for a kiss.

"You okay?" I asked. She nodded, saying she was gonna go to the bathroom. She got up and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I looked out over the rest of the team, all of them still sound asleep.

When y/n got out of the bathroom, she came over to me and immediately put her head on my shoulder.

"I'm tired," she said, yawning.

"Get some sleep baby. I'll be here when you wake up," I said. She smiled, and eventually, her breathing leveled out.


uhhhhh heyyyy

i am so so sorry for not updating, schools been kicking my ass

i will definitely try to update more:)

also 10k ON I LOVE YOU WHAT?!?!?!

thats insane, thank you so much!!!

remember, ily all, eat a little something and drink some water:)


hi hi yes another authors note. IM SO STUPID i realized that they said i love you in the previous chapter and then said it for the 'first time' here. this is why you re-read ur stuff😃 BUT im so sorry abt that, my bad

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