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I drove to y/n's house, putting on music.

I had noticed that she listened to a lot of music in spanish, something that I had never listened to personally. When I got to a stop light, I pulled out my phone and found her playlist that had all of her spanish music and I put it on.

After a few minutes, I arrived at her apartment building. I walked up to her door and knocked, but making sure it wasn't loud enough to scare her. After a few seconds, she opened the door and planted a kiss on my lips.

"So, how'd it go? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I want you to know I'm here," She said, smiling. Her hand found its way to my back, slowly leading me to the couch.

"Uhm, it's kinda funny actually. I had just finished signing the papers and this brunette comes out of our bedroom, only wearing a sheet. I yelled at Will, but kept in mind I also cheated on him. I guess is was my small way of getting back at him for emotionally abusing me these past years," I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"JJ, anyone in your position would have had the same reaction. It was surprising, you didn't think he would. But now, you're technically divorced from him," y/n said in a soft tone, rubbing circles on my back to remind me that she's here.

"I know, and honestly leaving the apartment felt like a release. Getting away from him and the place where so much shit happened was like a breath of fresh air. Which reminds me, we need to talk," I said. I noticed y/n's face drop, those words clearly bringing back a bad memory.

"Oh, y/n, no no this isn't bad I promise," I said, pulling her into a hug.

She became less tense in my arms, the immediate feeling of sadness washing over me. I released her, cupping her cheek in my hand.

"I'm so sorry if I brought back any bad memories, I didn't mean to do that, it wasn't my intent," I said, looking her in the eyes.

"I know Jayje, I know. And I'll tell you when I'm ready, but now isn't it."

I nodded, slowly kissing her. I pulled away after a few seconds, resting my forehead on hers.

"I want you to officially be my girlfriend," I said, smiling.

"Yes, JJ. Of course I will," she said, smiling.

I kissed her again, both of us smiling into it.

"Let's dance," she said.

I looked at her, confused.

"I've always wanted to teach someone how to dance, specifically bachata. And now is the perfect time to do that," she said, standing up.

I laughed, now earning a confused look from her.

"On the way here, I put on your playlist with spanish music. I thought you were spying on me."

We both started laughing, happiness filling the air.

After we had calmed down, y/n hooked up her phone to the speaker she had.

She held out her hand, and I took it quickly.

She pulled me close to her, setting both hands on my hips.

I locked my hands on the back of her neck, waiting for her instruction.

"Move with the music baby. The steps are 1, 2, 3, 4. It's quite simple," she said, slowly moving.

I copied her movements, us slowly dancing around the room.

It began to get a little faster, moving along with the beat of the song.

We danced for hours, song after song.

I was happy, dancing with my girlfriend, something I never thought I would be able to say.


"I'm tired," y/n said, slowly letting me go.

"Me too, my feet hurt," I said, laughing.

"Here, how about we order pizza and watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sounds perfect," y/n said, kissing me on the nose.

I laughed, pulling up a local pizza place on my phone and calling in the order. Thankfully they deliver, so neither of us have to go get it.

After I hung up, I walked over to where y/n was sitting and sat down next to her.

Y/n put her head on my lap, laying down across the couch.

"What movie do you wanna watch baby?" I asked, running my fingers through her hair.

"Uhm, how about the Nightmare Before Christmas? It's my comfort movie," she said, giggling.

"Nightmare Before Christmas it is," I said, putting it on.

I played with her hair until the pizza deliver man knocked on the door.

Y/n sat up, insisting that she go get the pizza.

"Fine," I said, crossing my legs.

A few seconds later she came back, pizza in hand.

"I have water, water and water. Which would you like?" She asked, laughing.

"Hmmm, I'll have the water please," I said, smiling.

I watched y/n as she poured the water into the glasses, mesmerized by how perfectly she does everything. From how she moves to how her hair moves, she really is perfect. Her smile always lights up the depressing round table room, no matter how dark the case is.

"A picture would last longer, babe," she said, setting down the glasses on the table.

I mumbled a sorry, opening the pizza box and grabbing a slice.

"Don't apologize, it's cute," she said, taking her own slice.

We sat in comfortable silence, watching the movie and eating pizza.

A particular scene in the movie came on, and y/n laughed.

"You know, I never understood this scene. Sally lets the basket down slowly and as careful as possible, yet she throws herself out of the window."

When y/n talked about something she truly cared about, her eyes had a certain sparkle to them. This was that moment.

I laughed, agreeing with her.

"Yeah, that is kind of odd. I mean, she can stitch herself back together," I said, leaning back on the couch.

"Very true," she said, moving closer to me.

She draped her legs across my lap, her head resting on my shoulder.

We watched the rest of the movie in silence, cuddled together like we were meant to be.


hehe hi

the nightmare before christmas is my personal comfort movie so i decided why not put it in there

also yes i do know how to dance bachata, and idk why but i put it in here too

any who, i hoped you all liked the chapter!!

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