i've missed this

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TW: choking, spanking, gags, nipple clamps, use of safe word

We followed Rossi up to where the team was, greeting them as we walked in.

"You two look absolutely amazing!" Emily gushed, hugging the both of us.

"Look at you! Your dress is stunning!" y/n said. She was right; Emily was wearing a long red dress that had an open, strappy back. She paired it with black stilettos and gold rings that adorned her hands.

We spent a majority of the night mingling with the team, eating snacks and drinking wine. Rossi called us to the table to eat dinner, feeding us his delicious pasta al dente. We talked more, enjoying the laughs shared around the table.

Once everyone had finished tiramisu for dessert, they moved to the patio.

"Baby, there's so much I want to do to you tonight. Are you up for it?" I asked, whispering it to y/n so she could hear but nobody else could.

"Yes ma'am," she said, quickly shifting her position to push her legs together. I giggled silently; the grip I had on her was perfect.

We're whipped for each other.


"Ready to go?" Y/n said about an hour after the conversation.

"Yeah, let's go," I said, winking. We said goodbye to the team, saying we would see them Monday.

We made our way to the car. I opened the door for y/n, her giving me a small thank you as I closed it. I walked around the car, climbing into the drivers seat. I put the key into the ignition, noticing that y/n was looking at my hands.

"Fascinated by my hands, huh?" I teased, putting my hand on her thigh.

"Uh, n-no," she stuttered. I moved my hand up her thigh, her breath hitching in her throat.

"Uh huh. It's okay baby, I can tell you have a hand kink. It's hot," I said, continuing to move my hand up until i reach right above her pussy.

"Pull your dress up," I demanded, removing my hand. She whimpered at the loss of contact, but obliged. Once her dress was moved out of the way, I cupped my hand around her pussy.

"JJ, please, I need you," y/n whined.

"Patience, my love. Patience."

I slowly pushed her panties out of the way, revealing her slick folds.

"Open your legs. Don't come until I say. Got it?"

Y/n whined and I pulled my hand away.

"Words, y/n."

"Yes, yes I understand," she whimpered.

I put my hand back and began to circle my clit with her thumb. We were about five minutes away from her apartment, meaning I have to work fast.

I begin to circle her clit, earning small gasps and whines from her. I plunged my middle and ring finger, curling them up to hit her g-spot. She moaned loudly, the feeling of pleasure overtaking her.

I continued this throughout the car ride, not changing my pace. It was slow, but not slow enough to provide no pleasure. Although, it wasn't fast enough to make her cum.

As I was pulling into the parking garage, I pulled my hand out and y/n whined.

"Suck," I commanded, placing my fingers in y/n's mouth so she could taste herself. She moaned in response, bobbing her head and swirling her tongue up and down my fingers.

baby i'm yours (jennifer jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now