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TW: r*pe

We woke up to a sharp ringing noise. It was y/n's phone. She groggily got up and grabbed it, bringing it to her ear.

"Agent y/l/n," she stated.

I heard some mumbling from the other side of the line and agreeing on y/n's part.

"New case," she said, getting up. I nodded, rolling out of bed also. We quickly showered and got dressed. I put on a dark grey long sleeve shirt tucked into some black slacks and combat boots. Y/n wore a red tank top under a grey blazer and a matching pair of grey slacks.

"You look good," I said, pulling her in for a kiss. She giggled, kissing me back hungrily.

"Baby, we gotta go. As much as I want to stay here and have sex with you, we gotta save people from getting murdered," she said, placing a small peck on my nose. I pouted, knowing she was right but still sad that we had to leave.

I grabbed a protein bar on the way out, y/n grabbing an apple. We headed to the BAU, walking in hand in hand.

"Good morning you two," Emily said, a little more cheerful than many others would be at 5am.

"Morning Prentiss," I said, heading up the stairs to the round table room with y/n.

Garcia briefed the case quickly. It was a bad one, meaning we had to get there fast. The case was in Washington, meaning the flight would be about six hours.

"Wheels up in 30," Emily said. We all agreed getting up and heading out.

"Y/n, may I speak to you for a moment?" Emily asked.

I was confused, but realized that Emily did that a lot so I didn't think much of it. I grabbed my go-bag from my desk and headed out of the BAU.

I shouldn't have done that.

What I didn't see was Emily lead y/n to her office and shut the door.


30 minutes later, everyone was on the jet. Y/n sat next to me, which was normal. But I had a sinking feeling that something wasn't right.

"What did Emily need you for baby?" I asked, putting my hand on her knee and rubbing my thumb in a small circle.

"Just to review something in my past case file, nothing important," she said, placing her head on my shoulder and slowly falling asleep. I kissed the top of her head, looking down at a book I brought and continuing to read it.


We got to the station, reviewing the case once more.

"Y/n and JJ go to the M.E, Reid, Luke, and Tara create a geographical profile. Dave, Matt and I will head to the dump site."

Y/n and I headed to the M.E's office. Y/n had begun to act odd, secretive almost. She was hiding her phone or just not even checking it when it buzzed.

"Everything okay?" I asked. Her phone had buzzed for the third time in the past two minutes.

"Yeah, my mom is just bugging me over the holidays. She likes to plan things early," she said, smiling.

"I get that," I said. I still believed that she was lying.

We got to the M.E's, heading in and talking to the woman who performed the autopsy.

"The cause of death to all of them was asphyxiation. It was with a rope of some sort, but it wasn't rough like climbing rope, most likely from some sort of silk. They also has ligature marks on their wrists, also probably from silk."

"Could this have been some sort of rope play? Was there any sign of sexual assault?" Y/n asked.

"No sign of assault, but there was tearing." the M.E. said.

"On all of them?" I asked. She nodded.

"Oh my God, he raped them post-mortem," I said, horrified. The woman nodded, telling us the other things she found. Nothing else was out of the blue, so we thanked her and headed back to the station. By the time we got back, it was almost midnight.


"Find anything?" Emily asked.

"The unsub raped them post-mortem," I said, sighing as I sat down.

Everyone cringed. Nobody could imagine someone getting of on doing that to a dead person, let alone someone they had just murdered.

"Nothing else was odd, just some ligature marks on the victim's wrists. Y/n suggested rope play," I said, looking at the geographical profile.

"I agree. Look, it's late and it's been a long day. Let's get back to the hotel, shall we?" Emily asked. We all nodded, filing out of the room.

Once we got to the hotel, we went to our rooms. Y/n and I were sharing, so we walked in there together.

"I don't know about you baby but I'm exhausted," y/n said.

"Me too, baby. How about I take a quick shower and then I'll come back and cuddle, how does that sound?" I asked, kissing her.

"Sounds perfect," she said, smiling. I grabbed a pair of silk shorts and a silk tank top from my bag and headed to the bathroom. I shut the door and turned on the water, taking off my clothes slower than usual to make sure the water got warm. I stepped inside, not minding the burning feeling of the scalding water. I grabbed the little hotel shampoo and put some into my hand, lathering it into my hair. I rinsed it out, grabbing the conditioner bottle before putting it on the ends of my hair. I washed my body, watching as the soap fell into the drain. I rinsed out the conditioner and turned off the water. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel, quickly drying myself off and getting dressed.

"It's all yours," I said, smiling as I left the bathroom. I had tied my hair up into the towel to let it dry a little. As y/n headed to the bathroom, she left a kiss on my cheek. I smiled and sat down on the bed, turning on the tv for some background noise to fall asleep.

As I was picking a random show to watch, y/n's phone lit up. I thought it was mine because I had left it on the bed, so I picked it up to check it.


cant wait to do that again ;)

The sinking feeling came back. I shouldn't have left early. I heard the shower stop and y/n step out of the shower. Tears streamed down my face, yet I hadn't put the phone down yet.

Y/n stepped out of the bathroom, and as soon as she saw her phone in my hand her face changed from a look of happiness to being absolutely mortified.

"You slept with Emily?" I nearly screamed.



uhhhh sorry for this, i promise i wont take as long to update as i usually do bc i dont like cliffhangers myself

but i hope you enjoyed!!

remember, eat a lil sum, drink some water and remember ily:)

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