missing you

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Tara and I walked out of her hotel room, heading to the elevator and pressing the button.

"Everything will be okay, okay? I'm right here if you need me. We can stick together today, if that's alright with you?" Tara asked.

"That sounds great," I replied, anxiety skyrocketing as the doors opened, revealing the team.

Rossi shot me a look of sympathy as I returned a small smile. Y/n and Emily were standing on opposite sides, everyone else standing in between them. I felt a bit of joy of sight, but the feeling that y/n cheated on me was still there.

"Let's go," Emily said. Y/n shot me a longing look, the words 'I'm sorry' written in her eyes.

I scoffed silently, wanting to believe her so badly. Even though it was only one night we were apart, it felt like forever.

We walked to the cars, Luke driving, Spencer in the passenger seat and Tara and I in the back. I watched the other SUV, watching Rossi and Emily sitting in the front while Matt and y/n sat in the back. I was a little relieved that they were distancing themselves from each other.


We got to the precinct, getting ready to wrap up this case. Overnight, Garcia had found the unsub yet again, meaning we had to go catch him.

"Okay, this is a big building. Y/n and JJ go to the back room. Tara and I will go to the room on the left, Rossi, Matt and Reid head into the one on the left. Got it?"

I nodded, upset that I had to face her. We got into the SUV's and grabbed our vests, preparing to catch this vile human.

"Let's go," Prentiss announced after we parked.

"Hey JJ, can we talk after we get back to the hotel?" Y/n asked before we went in.

"Yeah, fine," I said. I knew I was being illogical, but I really didn't want to talk about it.

We headed into the building, Y/n and I heading to the room we had to cover. I went first, for some reason feeling the need to protect her even though she hurt me.

I checked the door to see if it was unlocked and it wasn't, meaning I had to kick it open. I backed up and kicked it as hard as I could, sending the door flying open. It made a loud crash as it hit the wall, revealing nobody hiding behind it.

"FBI drop the gun!" I yell as I see the unsub. He was pointing a gun at a woman who was tied to a chair.

"FBI, I said put the gun down," I said again, not lowering my gun.

"NO! She deserves this!" He yells, pressing the gun farther into the woman's head.

"No, she doesn't. Now, I don't want to shoot you but I will if you don't drop the gun. So, I suggest you drop it before this can escalate any further," I said sternly. I kept my gun trained on him as I moved closer, showing him that I wasn't afraid. I heard shuffling behind me, meaning the rest of the team had arrived. Once he noticed that he wouldn't get out of there freely, he dropped the gun on the floor. I walked over and kicked the gun away, motioning for someone to come get the woman. I cuffed the unsub, leading him out of the building and into the police car so they could take him back to the station.

"Good work JJ," Emily said after everyone had checked for any other victims.

"Thanks," I said, taking off my vest and getting into an SUV.


We made it back to the hotel, and I went back to my shared room with y/n.

"Can we please talk?" She asked as she arrived.

"Yeah, but can I talk first?" I asked. She nodded, and I continued.

"I'm not going to apologize for how I reacted because that's the logical reaction to my girlfriend getting a text like that. Especially since it was from our boss. Although, I'm sorry that I immediately thought you cheated on me because things like this happen in this job. Of all people I should know. I went on an undercover mission a few years ago and had to work with Cruz, meaning Will thought I was cheating on him. The only people who knew were Cruz, Strauss and I. Strauss was the old Section Chief and she wanted me over there. So, I will apologize for automatically assuming. I'm so sorry. Even though it was one night I realized how I can't be without you. It really hit me with how much I love you, and I hope that this will be the last argument we have that ends like this." I finished my rant, tears streaming from my face. Y/n was also crying, and I pulled her into my arms.

"JJ, I'm so sorry. I never thought you would see that, and even using that as a cover wasn't right. I will tell you everything once I can, but what I can tell you is that sentence meant something. Not that I was cheating on you, but it was a code. I can't tell you what it means or how to figure it out, but she sent that to tell me something about the mission. I'm so sorry that that had to be the coded message, but it was the only way to get her message across. JJ, I love you to the moon and back but a million times. I can't be without you and I promise you if you see any more text messages like that, I'm not cheating. It's most likely the only way Emily can get tell me what she needs to without giving anything away."

She finished talking and I looked down at her. I put my hand under her chin and lifted her head to look at me.

"I love you," I said, placing a kiss on her nose.

"I love you, too," she said, kissing me on the lips.

The kiss was soft and sensual, not fast and heated like it usually is. She got off of me and sat on the bed, still kissing me. I moved down to her jaw and neck, leaving small hickeys. I kept moving down, looking up at her to see if I could take off her shirt. She nodded and I did. I kissed down her breast, getting to her nipple. She whimpered as I moved to her other one. I kept moving down her stomach to the hem of her shorts.

"Please baby, I need you," she said.

I nodded, taking off her slacks and underwear. I began to abuse her clit, licking and sucking at it. She moaned, throwing her head back in pleasure. I put my middle and ring finger in her entrance, causing her to moan more. I continued sucking on her clit, her climax quickly approaching.

"Baby I'm so close, please," she whined.

I moaned into her clit, sending her over the edge. She came all over my face as I continued to eat her out through her orgasm. Once she had come down from her high, I removed myself from between her legs and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I went back up and kissed her, making sure she was okay.

"You okay baby?" I asked, pulling away.

"Yes, more than okay," she said, smiling.

"Here, lemme help you to the bathroom and then we can go to bed. Does that sound good?" I asked.

"Perfect," she said. I helped her up and while she went to the bathroom I washed my hands. I went back into the bedroom, grabbing both of our pajamas. I gave her hers and she slipped it on. I quickly got dressed into mine, y/n whistling as I took off my shirt. I laughed, putting my pajama shirt on. Once we both got dressed we climbed into bed.

"I'm sorry," y/n said, cuddling up to me.

"It's okay baby, I'm sorry too."

"Goodnight, I love you," she whispered.

"Goodnight, I love you too," I said, quickly falling asleep, cuddled up to the love of my life.


heyyyy baes

yeah yeah i wrote this late at night again whats new

but a reminder that i love you, eat some food and drink a lil water:)

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