Trial by Fire

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*Zankoku's Point of View

So. A fire quirk. Why am I not surprised? I knew there was something about this kid. I immediately dump my useless partner. I send him in the wrong direction, idiot.

Why do I keep having to deal with these low life thugs and low leveled quirks? I could topple this society if I wanted to.

I quietly follow the boy. The kids clearly had training. But hes never had to really fight before. He seems to have freed another kid. Low power. Wasn't probably going to keep him around anyways.

Eventually I find them. They don't see me but I can see a shoe slightly from around the corner.


I silently move to the corner the whip around the corner. Both boys scream. I grab the nearest one, the one with the healing quirk.

"I'm sure you want to be a hero, don't you boy? If you don't cooperate, I'll kill him." I say with my palm against the boys head. Neither know my quirk. He surely wouldn't risk it.

So you can understand why I was so surprised at what happened next. The other kid took a step back then took off running.

I can't follow him with this kid trapped but if the boy gets away he'll get help. Then a stroke of luck. The idiot I call my colleague somehow caught up.

I thrust the kid into his arms and take off to find the one with the fire quirk.

I can hear his footsteps. Hes getting too close to to the exit. I round another corner and see him booking it for the stair with an exit sign hanging over them. I don't have much of a choice.

I stop where I am and raise my hand to his back. Sorry kid.

*Touyas Point of View

The exit! I can see it! I'll find a hero and save my friend, and anyone else in here! I put my foot on the first step. I'm going to get out of here!

Then a pillar of flame barrels through the corridor and engulfs me. I scream, not from pain but from the memories that come with it.

My father and I training. It was the first time I used my quirk and it hurt. Part of my hair had started turning white. We thought nothing of it. Father was secretly hoping I was developing an ice quirk but that wasn't true.

He showed me a technique that was incredibly complicated. I went through the motions and sure enough, my quirk seemed stronger. The fire seemed hotter. I shot it at the target. Red flames surrounded me and it in an inferno. Then the color changed just slightly. The fire was hot. Too hot. With a yelp, I jump backwards and stopped. My wrists were smoking and a blistering red.

He didn't care. He kept pushing me until it was hard to keep my fire red still. It kept almost turning blue. But I knew I had to hide it. When it turned blue it hurt too much. It would burn me.

I never told anyone. Not even Natsou. Even when I crawled to him, crying. Wondering why I wasn't dead and wishing I was.

I snap out of my flashback and try to get to my feet. I know how to take a beating. It just might be my most redeeming quality.

I barely got to my knees before Zankoku reaches me. He roughly grabs my arm and starts pulling me back too the hall. No. I won't let him.

I go as limp as possible and when he slows to readjust his grip, I let loose. With a wild scream I fire a stream of flames at him until he lets go. I back up as I keep shooting and completely forget myself. The fire turns blue and burns everything. I feel like my skin is seconds from peeling off so I finally stop and run.

I throw open the door. I'm in the middle of a city! I run weakly towards people in the distance screaming for help. They run over and help me to stand. I quickly tell them what's going on and they call a hero. I look back, my vision growing dark. While everyone is fretting over me, Zankoku sneaks out of the building and into an Alley. I loose consciousness and topple into the nearest person.

I wake up in a hospital. I've been to this specific one several times. I want to run. Leave. Father will find me here. I need to escape! I barely manage to sit up when the door opens and he is standing in it.

Endeavor. To the world, he's the 2nd greatest hero. He does no fan service and people trust him based on actions not words.

I know him better.

"What the hell were you doing? Your mother was worried sick and if you'd died down there it would have reflected on me!" He demanded. I stay silent.

The second I can walk I'm going home. I failed. I couldn't tell anyone.

The police ask me questions. I identify the man who could make chains with his quirk and describe Zankoku to them. I tried to tell them about dear old dad but they just said I was mincing my memories. Soon they stopped coming. Father didn't visit me till I was out. On my last day though, I did get a visitor. I couldn't see his face because of a hood.

"Well, its nice to see you again." He says. Panic sets in as I recognize his voice. Its Zankoku. He pulls the hood down. His face is burnt. Was that... Me?

"Listen. I have been watching you for days. I should've know your father was a pro. I also should have known you and him don't exactly see eye to eye. If you ever want to quit the hero life style, call me." He hands me a business card of sorts. It says dry cleaner on it. But theres still a number.

Its a secret villain business card.

I should have screamed for a doctor or nurse. I should've told the police he had a scar. I should've burned that card. But for reasons I had yet to know, I didn't.

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