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* Fuyumi's Point of View

I watched Touya go. Should we follow? No. We can cover for him. And when he gets back, heros can take us somewhere safe. And we can be a real family. Without him.

We all have goals. Touya hides it because he hates it, but in the end, he wants to be like our father. Strong, powerful, an unstoppable force. The good aspects of him that is.

Natsuo wants to be happy. It might seem simple but its not. He's not selfish. He wants to be happy, and to be happy, we need to be happy too. So he is all fun and games when he can be. Quick to smile, joke, and laugh.

Father is easy. He wants to be the best. But to be the best, he needs ice. So thats why he married mother. Thats why he wants a child with both quirks so badly.

Mom? It took me a while to understand her. She wants to survive. This is hardest on her after all. Because no matter how long it might take, we will leave one day. Especially Natsou and I. We can be free to move on and forget. But she is stuck here. Sometimes we loose her. Its been happening more and more ever since Shoto was born. She just wants to stay true to herself.

And me? I just want a family that loves and cares for eachother. Like in the stories grandma and mom would read to us.

The thing is, deep down I know. None of will get our wish. Not the way we want it. But I also know that's how life works now.

Please hurry Touya.

"Come on Natsou. We don't want to look suspicious." I tell my little brother. We begin playing a half-hearted game of one on one football (soccer). Eventually mom comes out. She seems dazed again. On the brink of us loosing her. For once that might be good. Then she won't notice....

"Where is Enji?" She asks lightly as if she couldn't really care.

"Dads at work mom..." I say. She looks puzzled then corrects herself.

"Touya. Where is Touya?" She asks. She mixes them up when shes confused sometimes. Not so much since his hair turned white but every once in a while....

"Touya is asleep. Remember? Training with father made him tired. He had some fish, we wrapped his bandages, and he went to sleep." I say. I hate lying. But when she's like this she might as well not even be here. I just don't want her worried.

"Oh, right." She nods and turns back to the house. Phew.

This probably won't last too long. I hope Touya is doing alright.

*Touya's Point of View

The road goes on forever through the woods. Nobody has come this way since I left. I ran about a mile before my legs started to give out. I'm sleep deprived and hurt. Why did I think it was a good idea to go now? I should have waited! But I can't turn back. They're counting on me.

I trudge on and when I come over the crest of a hill, I can see a city. Its huge! Buildings 100 meters high! And bigger even! I can hear people and cars down there.

I'm free. I actually made it. Then I see a giant wall of glame. And some small figure flying around, followed by one I recognize all too well climbing a building to blast the first. Our father is here. Fighting a villain.

I dive into a bush by the side of the road. I'll stay here tonight. I open up whay Fuyumi packed me. A chunk of cheese. A canteen of water. And fish. Lots of fish.

I hate fish.

I wait a but and watch the fight from a distance. The villain is caught. But its not safe yet. I just know it. I create a small fire to sleep by and warm up my fish as it starts getting dark.

I didn't realise how hungry I was until I started eating but suddenly fish was really good.

I ate all the fish and a piece of cheese. I drank about half the water and somehow managed to fall asleep.

If I only knew my mistake.

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