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Touyas Point of View

"I know." I say coolly. Natsou doesn't reply. I turn on the computer and wait for it to start up, turning down the volume.

Dad doesn't really like us knowing about the outside world. Besides a few hospital trips to the burn wing, I haven't left here since I was born.

When I first got my quirk, I wanted it to go away. For someone to take it. Keep it locked away. Mom tried to help me but she wasn't there when I was training. It hurt her to watch. But it hurt me more. I love her so much, but she was never able to protect me. I'll make sure to be there for Fuyumi and Natsou. And Shoto of course. But right now Natsou needs me.

Mom couldn't stop him. Nobody could. That's why he's number 2. But she did one thing right. She gave me hope.

"You don't have to be like him. You can be a hero, who saves people. Someone who always smiles." She said to me. She showed me a video, that just like so many people, changed my life forever. Dad blocked it when he found out, and beat us both for even thinking like that, but I watched it enough to have memorized it. And the internet gas more than one video.

All night I type into the search bar. Of course All Might is blocked. But spellchecker will automatically fix it. Red, white and blue spandex flooded the screen, along with his unique blonde hair style.

"Who is that?" Natsou asks me.

"All might. The hero that saves everyone." I say. Natsous eyes opened wide as he watched All might leap onto tye scene to rescue a kindergarten class

"The number 1 hero." I whisper.

"One day, I'm going to have to go to the dumb hero school, Natsou. But I promise that I'll protect you from him. Ok? As long as I'm alive, he won't hurt you again." I tell him. I hate empty promises. I'll try, but I can't stop our father. But its what Natsou needs to hear.

The video finished and we watched another. There's no way to describe how his eyes lit up when All Might declared his presence. Every time.

"I AM HERE!" All might said onscreen. Natsou gasped, his eyes shone.





And every time Natsou was happier.

"I AM HERE TO RESCUE ALL WHO NEED HELP!" He says in another video.

"Touya! Does he really do it?" He asks me.

"Do what?" I puzzle. So sleepy...

"Does he really save anyone who needs him?" He asks. His round little face is decorated with a huge smile and wide eyes.

"Of course! That's what Heroes are supposed to do." I chuckle and ruffle his hair.

"Do you think he'll save us?" He asks. I freeze. We're people who need help, right? But this us different. Nobody knows. In fact, nobody should really even know we exist. Dad keeps ys hidden. No one is coming.

"I think so." I tell him. He is speechless and has such a wide smile. I'll get you out of here Natsou. I swear.

He starts spinning fantasies where we're saved by All Might. If only...

The next day, Fuyumi found the two of us on the computer. Somehow we were awake but in some trance. We'd watched almost 7 hours straight of All Might footage. Even one from last week.

"Boys!" She exclaims. We both look over in sinc and I think we scared her, because she ran off. I quickly deleted the search history and shut down the computer.

"Natsou, you can't tell ANYONE about these. Ok? Especially not dad." I look him in the eye. He gives a firm nod then wanders off to find clothing. I get dressed too and hurry down for breakfast.

Mom had a huge bowl of rice that we helped ourselves from. We each had some fried fish and a glass of water to go with it. Shoto has mushed-up rice and milk.

Natsou and I were late and each quickly bowed in apology before digging into it. I trade my fish for some of Natsous rice. I hate fish. Its high in protein, so when our father is around, its the main part of my diet.

After we eat we all sorta wander off on our own. I don't really pay attention to where I'm going until I find myself at the giant gate. I haven't left it since I broke an arm clean while training last summer. I could've healed naturally, but Endeavor wanted me back in the training room as soon as possible. So I saw this sorta old lady who apparently kissed me while I was unconscious.

The doors aren't open. But I noticed they don't go to the ground either. There's probably 10 cm of open air there. Surely its enough.

I start scraping at the hard earth with my raw, burnt hands.

I'll run away. Find a hero. Then tell them everything. Save my siblings. Save mom. Stop him. I just need out.

"Touya? W-what are you doing?" A voice asks me. Natsou. I turn around. Fuyumi is there too.

"I'm getting help. I'm going to get us all out of here." I say. Fuyumi looks at me in shock. Sweat forms on her cheeks and forehead. But I know Natsou understands. He helps me dig. Fuyumi stumbled backwards and races back towards the building. Shes going to get mom. My plan will be ruined and I can't try it again.

We dig fast and soon I have enough space to squeeze through.

Just as I start to, Fuyumi runs out again with a knapsack.

"Touya! Wait!" She calls. I do, but am ready to bolt at the first sign of adults.

"Food, water, and the money dad hides in the wall." She huffs.

"Thank you." I say, blinking back tears and I hug them both.

"I'll be back. I promise. Just keep mom off my trail." I say. They both nod and I slip under the gate. They each push some loose soil back into the hole to cover up our escape route.

All around me is a giant clearing, then woods with a road. I need to find help.

I shift my pack on my shoulder and set off along the dirt road.

I promise I'll be back with help.

I promise.

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