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Touyas Point Of View

I lift my head groggily. Where am I? Slowly, I remember running. I need to find a real hero. Save my siblings.

Everything is blurry anf my head hurts. I'm not outside..? I shake my head to clear my vision. I'm in a small cement room with no windows. A study door is in the wall farthest from me. I'm fettered to the opposite wall from the door by my left ankle.

Where am I? I shake my head to clear the last of the fog.

"Hello?" I call out before almost immediately regretting it. That wasn't very smart. Who knows who else is here?

"Looks like sleeping beauty finally woke up." A rough voice snickers from the other side of the door.

"Just put your mask on and lets get this over with." Says another.

"Why does it even matter? We trick him into using his quirk and sell him off to the big guy." The first replies.

I don't think these are heros.

The door slams open, and out of habit I leap to my feet and stand still. Feet together, arms at my sides, eyes ahead.

"That wasn't expected." The second voice says.

"At ease..?" He says again. I have no idea what I'm doing here. I back against the wall I'm chained to.

"Ok kid. We can do this the easy way or my way. Either way your showing us what you can do." The rough voice tells me.

The two men are standing in the doorway. One, the second voice, has an old and slightly worn suit on. The other has a leather jacket and jeans. They both have bandanas over their mouths. The one in a suit has a black plain one and the other has a white and slightly stained one.

The one in the suit has glasses and lime green hair. He clearly tries to hide them but little horns stick out of his hair as well.

The other guy didn't seem very special. Black hair that stood on end like he was just electrocuted. Besides that, nothing stood out.

"Who are you?" I ask them with as much confidence in my voice as I could muster.

"Eh, what the hell. I'm Zankoku and this is Yobun." Says the man with black hair. The other immediately pushes him, hard.

"YOU CAN'T GO AROUND GIVING AWAY OUR NAMES!" He screams. They start arguing as I look for a way out. The only way, obviously is the door behind them. There's not even any vents in here. But how do I get out of the chain?

"Y-you wanted to s-see my quirk?" I fake stutter. If I can play this right...

"Heh. Not so tough now, are we kid?" The one in the suit, Yobun I think, snickers at me. Hes a real idiot. The other is looking at me kinda funny and I'm feeling uncomfortable. The look in his eyes is like dads can be far too often.

"I, I need a lot of room. And my feet." I say.

"What do you do?" Yobun asks me.

"I can fly if I jump hard enough." I lie. I made that on the spot! Not bad, I think to myself.

Yobun snaps his fingers and the chain melts away into a puddle. That checks off his quirk. The other guy though....

"Hes not going anywhere. This room'll have to be enough." Zankoku says.

Damn it. I can still pull this off. Father even said, my fire power is even stronger than his.

I get into a weird squatting position like I'm about to jump. I do a flip into the air and blast my fire at them with all I got!

I catch them by surprise and am able to use my fire to slightly propel myself farther. I clear their heads and land between them and the door. Before they can process whats going on, I throw open the heavy door and run.

All these halls look the same as I frantically run around. I ditched my shoes quickly to hide the sound of my feet and I'm trying to control my breathing.

It wasn't for very long but I still burnt myself. My wrists are red, and if I use it again they'll start bleeding. Luckily, I'm used to it.

I hear voices all around me echoing. I press myself against a wall around a corner. Panting, I look around. I see a door like the one from the room. I lunge towards it and throw it open, another kid is in there. What is this place. I close the door behind me as I step in.

"Who are you?" He asks me.

"I'm Touya." I pant. I slump against the wall with the door as steps run past.

"Did you escape?" He asks with big eyes. I nod.

"Yeah. I mean, not yet. Its a process. I'm trying to." I say with a little smile. I noticed his ankle was chained up too. He looks around nine or ten.

"Whats your name?" I ask him.

"Aito Yumi." He tells me. I don't like my father's name so I don't share it. Instead I come over to him and put my hands on his chain. This'll hurt.

I activate my quirk at a low but steady temperature until his chain finally breaks in the center. I instruct him to leave his shoes here. I make the chain attached to his ankle as short as possible so it doesn't clang around as we run. I crack open the door. There are still distant voices but nobody is around. I signal for him to follow and we run like rats in a maze.

Reis Point of View

I had another of those days yesterday. I try not to, I really do. I need to stay strong for them. But its unbearable sometimes to live like this.

Yesterday, I didn't even see Touya. He needs to eat. And he didn't come out this morning either. Enji pushes him too hard.

I regain my composure, put on a fake smile, and walk to Touyas room and knock on his door.

"Touya, are you in here? I want you to eat some-" I open the door to find an empty room.

"Touya?" I call out. No answer. Natsuo and Fuyumi are playing with a ball in the courtyard. In a slight daze I proceeded to check the training room. The living room. The other bedrooms. The kitchen. The den. The hiding closet we cleared out for him to use when Enji was on a rampage.

He was nowhere to be seen. Something is wrong.

"Fuyumi, where is your brother?" I call to her from the balcony, already racing down the stairs to meet them. She jerks her thumb backwards to Natsou. We both know I mean Touya. She does that when she's stalling to give a lie. I've seen her use it on her father a thousand times.

She knows where he is.

"Fuyumi, its important!" I exclaim and grab her shoulders. She looks near tears and gives the slightest shake of her head. Natsou looks over to the gate.

No, it can't be! I hurry to the gate. Its been slightly covered, but I can see where little hands dug away a tunnel.

That means...

Hes free.

I can't decide if I'm glad for him or scared. Because of his father, he could be killed out there. Or he could escape successfully and be free.

Tears form as I know what I have to do. Trembling, I walk slowly to the phone. I dial in the familiar number. I'm sorry, I whisper to myself.

"Endeavor hero agency. This is sidekick Firewhip. How may I help you?"

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