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{January 5th, 1994}

" your arms feel more like a home than any house ever did."

school had started back yesterday, shit, I know. And Henry had been yet to live up to his threat on Eddie.
and I quote "I'm not done with you yet"

Richie and Eddie were as close as ever, maybe even more than usually.. practically joined at the hip.

After class the two losers headed to lunch and sat waiting for the rest of the club to arrive.

"please stop spoiling the movie for me, rich" Eddie sighed slightly annoyed. "But I haven't spoiled the good part yet!" Richie smirked, he enjoyed annoying the short boy

"You legit already told me my favorite character died and how they died..very specifically! how much more can you hurt me?"

Richie chuckled. "your other favorite character also dies." the ravenette said blankly, resisting the urge to burst out in laughter

"What the fuck Richie!" the small boy yelled angrily. "I swear to god your the spawn of satan!" the trashmouth just simply laughed at the boys statement.

"ow you poor thing." he mocked. Eddie clenched his fists angrily, restraining the urge to punch the his friend in the face.

"Hey guys!" Beverly smiled brightly, she was clearly excited. all the other losers sat down shortly after her.

"What's got you so excited?" the tall boy questioned with a smirk. "the school dance is soon!" richie scoffed. "And that makes you excited, why?"

Eddie slapped the teen. "Be supportive, she's been looking forward to this!" the small boy whispered angrily gritting through his teeth.

"Jee okay!" Richie whispered back. "Aw I'm so happy, yay! U cute sugar plum doll face!" Eddie shot Richie a judgy look. "Dude!" he mouthed.

"What?" the ravenette whispered blankly. "You know what!" Eddie yelled under his breath.

"You know I can hear you guys, right?" the redhead questioned slightly laughing. "Uh.. no. We didn't." Richie bit his lip embarrassed. Eddie slapped his arm under the table.

"Anyway.. um go on." the small teen smiled fakely. "So I've been thinking about what me and Ben should wear.."

all the losers yawned, even Ben. "Ugh! How do people like this shit?" Richie groaned rolling his eyes. "Richie!" The small boy scolded.

everyone averted their gaze to the trashmouth. "What it's true!" Richie yelled throwing his hands up in the air. "it's just because someone doesn't have a date.." beverly insinuated smugly.

Richie suddenly sat up straighter. "no, it's literally just stupid." he spoke annoyed as he rolled his eyes.

He did really find it stupid, but it would be nice to go with Eddie. And Beverly knew that.


Richie and Eddie walked down the hall, side by side, on their way to their next classes. "Hey when is the dance?" Richie questioned shoving his hands in his pockets.

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