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{December 20th, 1993}

"I almost wish we never met."

It was a cloudy Friday morning, the wind was blowing loudly outside richies window. the clock struck 6 as the teens alarm started blaring.

He quickly shut It off. Richie hadn't slept in days, weeks. He didn't know how long. He was exhausted, mentally and physically. But he wouldn't let himself sleep.

He didn't deserve it.

He'd tried his best to stay out of eddies way since the fight. Eddie didn't even seem to even look at him anymore. Of course, that hurt.. but it was better this way.

He was better off without Richie.

Richie laughed to himself, more at himself. He had been in Derry yet a few weeks maybe, and he had already fucked it up. No wonder his dad hated him.


Eddie had begun getting close to Henry. They hung out during lunch and after school almost everyday since the fight.

The losers were concerned, Eddie had spent less and less time with them. Plus they never saw much of Richie. He was always skipping classes, especially the ones Eddie was in.

"hey, how's the bruises?" Eddie questioned sitting down at his desk across from Henry. "Almost healed." The teen responded with a smirk. Just then the smile dropped and his face went dark with hatred.

Eddie turned his head to see the exact trashmouth he had done so well to avoid. All the emotions that he had worked so hard to sink came back to the surface.

he watched as the trashmouth walked to the back of the class. "I swear to god." eddie scoffed rolling his eyes.

the tall blonde boy turned to look at him. "I never asked, why did he beat me up?" eddie's face softened as he turned back to his friend.

"I don't know, honestly." He exhaled softly calming himself down. He hadn't thought about why Richie had done it.

Maybe to piss him off for mentioning his dad? "w-we were friends. Close friends. One day I- I mentioned something about.." Eddie stopped himself.

He didn't know why, but he felt this odd feeling. To protect Richie.

Yes, he had hurt him. But he didn't want to mention Richie's dad. As much as he tried not to care about the ravenette's feelings, he still did.

"Nevermind. It's nothing." he mumbled looking at the front of the class as the teacher entered.


It was now lunch, a time when Richie used to enjoy, but now he'd prefer just to go back to class.

the teen always found himself outside on the bleachers where Eddie had invited him to sit with the losers for the first time.

he smiled thinking about the memory, but the smile soon faded remembering that was all gone now.

he shot his head up in surprise when he heard a door fly open. It was Henry and Eddie.

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