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{November 29th, 1993}

" you walk in, and my heart beats different."

Eddie pulled up his sleeve to look at his watch which read 7:30 pm, he was supposed to be home 4 hours ago.

the teen took a shaky breath before quietly unlocking the door and stepping inside. He closed the door making as little noise as possible.

The teen looked around but seeing no one meaning he was in the clear. He let out a sigh of relief as he began heading up the stairs, but just then his mother came stomping out of the kitchen.

The overweight woman walked to the bottom of the stairs, staring up at her son. "Where have you been Eddie?" The woman yelled causing the boy to flinch.

eddie tried to get out the words as he swallowed the lump in his throat. "n-nowhere mama.." sonia crossed her arms.

"So you were nowhere for FOUR HOURS!" the boy could feel the tears forming in his eyes

"I-I" he stumbled over his words. "Is this because of that tozier boy?" the teen almost choked when the ravenette was mentioned.

"What?" "Don't try to deny it eddie, people have told me they've seen you with him." eddie could not believe what he was hearing.

"WHY HAVE YOU BEEN SPYING ON ME!" the teen yelled. "For reasons like this! that boy will ruin you! Like his father ruined him!" eddie felt his heart sink, what did she mean? Like his father ruined him.

"What-what do you mean?" eddie questioned in a concerned tone.

"You can't see him anymore." Sonia said filling her son with rage. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? he hasn't done anything!" eddie yelled defending his friend. "Eddie go to your room."

the boy felt as if the world had just stopped. he didn't say anything, just turned around walking up the stairs and slamming the door.

He couldn't process what had just happened. did richie's father.. hurt him? Eddie slid down against the door. his mother wouldn't stop him from seeing Richie. Not a chance.


Richie decided it would be best to sneak in through his window on the backside of the house, luckily there was a ladder he could use.

Richie climbed up the ladder and sliding through his cracked window.

he quietly shut the window then heading down the stairs. "Mom?" the teenager yelled.

"Yes richie?" His mother yelled from her bedroom. "Just checking to see if you were here" the boy yelled again walking into the kitchen to grab something to eat.

{November 30th, 1993}

The next morning came meaning the ravenette would get to see his spaghetti again. The boy quickly ran down the stairs yelling bye to his mom and skipping breakfast.

richie made his way over to his friend's house as fast as possible then standing outside the door waiting for him. He wasn't sure what had come over him, he just knew he wanted to spend as much time as possible with the boy.

(See, it's supposed to be Saturday 🤠 and I can't come up with a logical reason as to why there would be an extra day of the week)


Eddie was avoiding his mother as much as he possibly could. They sat in uncomfortable silence while the teen shoved down the foot loops, trying to get out of the house to see the ravenette as soon as possible.

He threw his backpack over his shoulder completely ignoring his mothers attempt to hug him as he stepped out the door.

to his surprise the very person he was excited to see was sitting on the steps of his porch. the trashmouth turned around meeting eyes with the worrying teen.

Eddie walked over grabbing the ravenettes arm and dragging him off his porch and to the side of the house .

"What the hell are you doing here?" Eddie whispered cautiously "I- uh, thought we could walk to school together." Richie said scratching his arm.

"Not the best idea rich, my moms pissed. She knows we've been hanging out" Eddie sighed. "And? What's wrong with us hanging out?" The teen questioned.

"Um b-because" the germaphobe stuttered panicking, he didn't want to over push his boundaries by saying what he wasn't supposed to know.

He wasn't quite sure how his mother knew either to think about it. Eddie brushed it off as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Um because she thinks your a bad influence." That wasn't really a lie, she did think that.

the teen was lost in his thoughts when Richie's laugh snapped him out of his bubble. "What's so funny?" the boy questioned. "How nervous you got, it was cute"

eddie's face went bright red as he averted his gaze to the ground. the short boy quickly brushed it off.

"Um.. we- we should get to school, can't be late." the boy said pushing past richie. The teen began walking down the street, the trashmouth following shortly after.


the two teens walked in a comfortable silence on the way to school, occasionally stealing looks at eachother.

They separated once they got into school to get to their classes, both wishing they were with the other.

Lunch finally came after what felt like an eternity. The trashmouthed teenager was making his way to the losers table when eddie came came up beside him. "hey stranger." the short teen said bumping richie's arm.

"stranger danger, stranger danger!" Richie yelled not realizing how loud he was. the two teens turned around to see everyone staring at them. the trashmouth coughed loudly. "NOTHING TO SEE HERE PEOPLE" the boy said yelling.

Eddie sunk his head down into his shirt and started sprinting away. "HEY! Where are you going!" the trashmouth yelled chasing after the teen.


sorry this isn't a really great spot to end a chapter, but I don't feel like writing anymore today. thanks for the reads guys, and follow my insta @//tvdsgirl

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