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{November 26th, 1993}

"I looked at him as a friend until I realized I loved him."

Eddie thoughts had been consumed with richie all day, barely even focusing on his classes. I mean, what would he say?

what would his friends think? would they think richie was inappropriate? would richie think he was boring? would they get along?

So many anxious questions burned in eddies mind, and he couldn't seem to silence them. well the wait was finally almost over, in a few minutes he would know.

in seconds, the clock would strike 11 and all his questions would be answered, and god was he nervous. Beverly was the first at the table, then bill, then Eddie.

Bev spoke up as Eddie sat down. "Hey kid, why so nervous?" The redheads words snapping eddie out of his bubble as he shifted his eyes to the floor.

"nervous? Ha, me? No way" the teenager said trying to sound as convincing as possible.

the two losers exchanged looks in disbelief, then turning back to the boy. "Okay! Fine." Eddie sighed in defeat, pausing for a moment.

"ya know that new kid that I told you about?" the two teenagers nodded. "So I invited him to sit with us today.."

the kid nervously picked at his nails, which is something he didn't do often. "do you like this kid Edward?" Bev shrugged.

"what! No.. He's just alone and I felt bad." Eddie blushed.

bev and bill exchanged smilies then turning back to the blushing teenager " w-w-whatever you s-say" bill said smiling.


Richie had been anxious all day, he wasn't usually the type to care when meeting new people, He would usually just say a rude joke and piss everyone off. Which he was fine with.

But today was different, He wanted this to work out. Eddie's opinion mattered to him.. but he wasn't quite sure why.

Richie quickly brushed off the thought as he entered the lunch room, he wasn't gonna let his anxiety get the best of him.


the gang's conversation was interrupted as richie aggressively slammed his tray down on the losers table. Eddie flinched at the sudden movement, scooting over a bit.

Eddie's head quickly snapped to face richie. Eddie scoffed, noticing a small grin on the boys lips. "Wipe that look off ur face. It's not funny."

" I think it's funny, spaghetti." Richie grinned, popping a grape into his mouth. "I told you not to call me that!" Eddie bit his tongue, holding back his annoyance best he could.

"Nah. I like calling u spaghetti." Richie chuckled, earning yet another eye roll from the small boy. "Trying to break a record?" Richie joked.

Just as Eddie was about to let his tongue loose, he heard a small strained cough from across the table. It was stan, silencing the two.

"gooday mates" Richie said, filling the silence. "Are y'all done flirting yet?" Stanley rolled his eyes, a thing he did a lot.

This response immediately triggered a laugh from Richie, quickly shooting back a response. "no, actually.. so if you could just go away.."

Eddie nearly choked on his milk at his friends response, quickly slapping his friends arm.

"I'm hurt eds." Richie frowned, covering his arm. "Just shut up Richie" Eddie interrupted.

after a few seconds of silence, Eddie decided to speak again.. "So.. uh.. This is the losers club. Beverly, Ben, Stanley and bill. There's also mike but he's homeschooled" Eddie said pointing to each of the losers.

Richie looked over the group smirking "Molly Ringwald, haystack, Stan the man, big bill and homeschool." Everyone averted there gaze to look at Richie.

Bev scoffed, throwing up her middle finger and rolling her eyes. Richie chuckled. "and this is trashmouth" eddie cut in.

Richie then realized he had a few classes with some of the losers, which was a plus, making the rest of the day more bearable.


Holy shit- okay this is BY FAR my favorite chapter that I have written, I'm so pumped about this! Also, Please leave ur opinions on how I can improve my writing. Thank you!

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