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{December 1st, 1993}

" I am in love with impossibility of us."

the two teens entered the diner reeking of smoke as their faces were glowing with smiles and laughter, both shoving eachother and laughing about something. Eddie had this weird feeling, he almost felt.. jealous?

the teen tried to brush it off as the redhead and the trashmouth approached the table. they went silent when the losers stared at them. "what's got you both so giggly?" Mike questioned sipping his smoothie.

Richie hadn't met Mike yet. "ahh your homeschool!" the teen snorted looking at Beverly. Eddie looked up at the two. "Where were you guys?" the teen questioned slightly aggravated.

Richie noticed the tone of the his voice, but didn't mention it. "Smoking" he said chuckling looking over at bev who was smirking.

"Oh, so your high?" the teen was fuming, but didn't know why.

"Gee, eds you look like your gonna explode." the laughing teen added. in a blink of an an Eddie got up out of the booth pushing past the two teens who reeked of smoke and angrily stomped out.
all of the losers looked at eachother.

"What's his problem?" Beverly said sliding into the booth, the trashmouth rolled his eyes. "I'll go see what's wrong"

eddie didn't understand why richie hanging with Beverly bothered him so much. I mean Beverlys his friend.

the boy sat on the curb where moments earlier the redhead and trasmouth had sat. The air still smelled like smoke. Eddie coughed. just then richie came running out of the diner.

"Dude, what the hells your problem?" The boy questioned aggravated. the germaphobe turned his head to richie. "What's my problem? are you kidding me!" the teen yelled angrily standing up from the curb.

"yeah! You acted like a total dick in there for no reason!" the trashmouth yelled back.

eddie's eyes started watering. he dropped back down on the curb. Richie took a breath walking over and sitting next to the teen.

"What wrong?" He asked genuinely.

the teen looked up with watering eyes. "I don't know, I-I guess I was jealous." He admitted.

The trashmouth met eyes with short boy putting his hand on his shoulder. "Of who? Beverly?" he said questioned calmly. eddie nodded. "I don't know, I'm sorry."

richie wiped the tear that fell down the teens cheek. "Hey, it's okay." the teenager said wrapping his arm around Eddie.

"rich.." "yeah eds?" he questioned. "You really shouldn't smoke, it's bad for your health." richie laughed. "whatever you say eds."


the two finally went back into the diner making their way over to the losers table. they all looked up as the two sat down. "S-so wh-hat was that about?" bill questioned. richie smirked "aw nothing Eddie's just on his lady's days."

the boys face went bright red with embarrassment. He shoved the trashmouths arm annoyed

"no seriously we're fine." richie said honestly. Everything went normal from there, just their casually stupid jokes and rude humor. richie felt comfortable with the losers.


it was now time to head to the movie theater, although Eddie was panicking thinking the attendant would remember them from the other day.

He didn't. richie sat next to Beverly and Eddie.. the two people that he really knew he liked so far.

eddie would get get scared ever so often and grab on to richies arm. he didn't mind, he sorta liked it.

(No I cannot tell u what movie they were watching, I don't know shit bout old movies, just know it's scary.. u can pick)

richie was now walking Eddie home, discussing the movie.

"and did you see what he did? That was like totally stupid yet badass!" the trashmouth cut him off "yes, I was there edward" He chuckled. "I'm happy, shut up." the germaphobe said rolling his eyes.

richie threw his arm around eddies shoulders pulling him closer to him. "Okay sir eds, you may continue your rant." the teen said in his best formal rich guy accent.

"You're one weird guy, richie tozier." the short boy joked leaning his head on the trashmouth's shoulder.

the two stopped when they reached Eddie's house. "how come you always walk me home?" the boy questioned.

"To make sure your safe, spaghetti." eddie rolled his eyes. "But I want you to be safe." richie grabbed the teens hand softly and kissed it.

"I could actually punch someone, you couldn't hurt a flee." the ravenette said chuckling.

Eddie slapped the boys hand away. "You bitch!" the ravenette didn't answer due to the fact that he was laughing so hard.

the short boy rolled his eyes and began waking up his steps and opening the door. "Night trashmouth." he said before slamming the door. Richie smiled turning around to walk home.


cute, cUte, CUTE! (anyone get that? No? Okay) I love this shit, and u:) mwah

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