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{December 29th, 1993}

"It beats, it breaks, it loves, it aches. For you. only you."

Richie waited until he got a call from Eddie then skated up to the abandoned park waiting for the small teen so that they could go on an adventure again.

Just then Eddie jumped up from behind him causing Richie to hit the freckled boy across the face.
"Eddie!" he yelled in shock covering his mouth

"ow!" the boy yelled in pain holding his face. "That hurt you asshole!" he stomped his foot against the ground in anger.

"You scared me dumbass!" the taller boy continued to yell. just then Eddie shoved the ravenette to the ground.

Richie didn't speak just laid on the ground, the short boy got concerned and leaned down a little to look at his friends face.

to his surprise, the trashmouth grabbed his hand pulling him down on top of him.

Eddie raised his head as he sat ontop of the boy. His face flushed red as he met eyes with the teen.

they were both breathing heavily. Damm this just seemed to keep getting harder.

they wanted to stand up but they just couldn't look away from eachother. They just wanted to look into eachothers eyes all day.

damm love is complicated, they both thought as Richie let out a strained chuckle.

the freckled boy shook his head standing up then holding out his hand to help his friend. Richie took his hand pulling himself up.

he didn't let go. neither of them did. If this was the closest they could get, then they'd take it.

"So, what's the adventure of the day, eds?" The trashmouth questioned playing with the boys hand. "How about you teach me to skateboard?"

This shocked richie, he didn't expect Eddie of all people to do it by choice. I mean there was that one time but the small teen was just proving a point.

"really?" he smiled. "Really." Eddie reassured. it wasn't that he wanted to skateboard, he just wanted to be close to Richie.

The taller boy dropped his skateboard to the ground as he pointed at it for his friend to hop on.

he quickly stepped on, he was a little nervous but had done fine the last time richie forced him to do it.

The ravenette grabbed the boys waist assuring him that he was okay. Eddies stomach was filled with butterflies, as well as Richie's.

the tall teen continued to help Eddie keep balance as he slowly skated down the street. "Hey, I think you're getting it!" Richie said excited.

Eddie felt warm, he was happy. Seeing his boy smile made him smile. The ravenette slowly let go of his waist now just holding his hand and walking beside him.

"Look at you, eds." he chuckled. "I see why you like it." The freckled boy responded holding tightly on to Richie's hand.

" I'm proud. Edward spaghetti kaspbrak... the kid who's afraid of everything, is willingly skateboarding." He smirked with a slight laugh.

"Oh shut up." the small boy rolled his eyes but secretly found Richie's comment cute.

(me & you both Eds. Rich is baby)


"I just know stan likes bill." Eddie spoke softly in a whisper trying not to wake Richie's mom while they sat on the tall teens bed.

"I know, I actually asked him the other day." the ravenette added.

"What?" the freckled faced boy questioned getting up off his stomach and sitting up straight with his legs curled under him

Richie looked up at his friend as he still laid on his stomach with his feet dangling in the air. "Why didn't you tell me?" Eddie continued

"I don't know? I'm telling you now!" the taller boy raised his brows. "ugh god just tell me!" the small teen yelled plopping down on his back looking up at the celling.

Richie scurried over to lay beside him looking up at the celling as well. He turned his head just as Eddie did. Their eyes met.

"he got all shy with that typical just friends bull." Eddie scoffed. "So obvious." They both looked back up at the celling

"Yeah" Richie whispered softly.

"So obvious." he whispered again but too quiet for Eddie to hear.


{December 31st, 1993}
6:30 pm

all the losers now began to pile into bills house. Ben and Beverly were the first to arrive, or as Richie calls them, Beverlen.

Eddie was the last to show. Everyone sat on bill's couch waiting for him.

"So, how are we gonna entertain ourselves until midnight?" Ben questioned laying his arm down on the couch armrest. He had gotten the best seat in the house.

"Why does he get the armrest?" the ravenette yelled from the floor.

He got stuck sitting on one of the various sleeping bags sprawled across the floor along with stan.

the rest sat on the small couch all crammed together. Just then the door flew open and Eddie stumbled in.

the trashmouth looked up from the floor, his lips formed into a small smile.

"Spaghetti, So glad you could join us!" he joked patting the sleeping bag beside him

Eddie quickly scurried over and laying down on his stomach with his feet dangling in the air, same as Richie.

the freckled boy threw his arm around the tallers boys neck, pulling his head in for a small side hug.
They both giggled.

"So, plans?" Stan questioned watching the two boys beside him. they both turned their head to look at the teen.

"we should get drunk." Richie spat out, leaning his head on his friends shoulder. Eddie patted the boys head.

" is that the beat idea?" the freckled boy questioned. "I say why the hell not!" Bev yelled punching Ben's arm.

everyone shrugged. "a-all in f- fah favor?" bill stuttered out. "I" the majority voted excepted Stan and bill.

"Ok I'll go get the beers!" the redhead laughed kissing bens cheek as she hoped up off the couch.

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