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{December 8th, 1993}

"This is how I feel: I'm scared of losing you but then again.. you're not even mine."

The teen ran down the street not knowing where he was going.. just running. He didn't understand. He didn't understand anything.

He didn't want to hurt Richie.. he just knew something was wrong, he only wanted to help.

the teen suddenly stopped running, turning around and looking behind him. He finally let all the tears roll down his cheeks as he collapsed down on the curb.

he held his face as he wished he hadn't said anything. He was curious, he wanted to understand.. but he didn't. How did his mom know? he thought..

Eddie might have been in pain but he knew it was nothing compared to richie's. he wanted to go find him again, but he didn't. He didn't want to make things worse.


Richie sat outside a dollar store leaning against the wall, silently crying. He didn't want to hurt Eddie, but he did.

He was mad, mad at his dad, mad at the world, but mostly at himself. Did he really think he could just run away from his problems?

And on top of that he might have just ruined the only good thing he had going. The teen put his hands over his mouth, muffling his cries.

he had to ask his mother about his father. Even though he wouldn't like that conversation. But he couldn't go home, not with everyone there... they'd have so many questions that he just couldn't answer.

Richie closed his eyes gasping for air as it was getting hard to breathe. he leaned his head against the wall as he slowly felt the world drift away.


The five had finished the movie over an hour ago. they were all sprawled out across the bed talking about various things.

Bill spoke up "w-wwhere ddo you guys t-think Eddie a-aand Richie went?" All the losers turned to look at the teen.

"Probably making out somewhere." Stan joked rolling his eyes. They all laughed. "Yeah it's so obvious that they like eachother." Beverly said dangling her feet off the side of the bed.

Ben yawned looking over at the clock. "Hey guys i'm tired, it's like 5 am now." the sleepy teen said rolling up in the blanket. "Ok sleepyhead, who wants to actually go get food?" the redhead questioned.

"I-II will." bill stuttered out. Beverly nodded as the two headed down into the kitchen. Ben sighed sadly looking over at the remaining losers.

"I'm with Ben on the sleep thing." Mike said rubbing his eyes. Stan looked over at the door.

"Well, since I definitely don't wanna go downstairs with the two lovebirds I guess I'll sleep." the curly headed boy said as he got comfy on the bed.

"Night guys." Ben whispered as the three drifted off to sleep.


Eddie didn't bother going back to the sleepover, they would all have so many questions he couldn't answer.

Although he was sure he'd have to face them soon enough. the teenager entered his house with a spare key and heading up to his room, not bothering to tells his mother he was home.

he threw himself down on his bed.. his thoughts making it almost impossible for the teen to fall asleep, but on the other hand he couldn't be more exhausted.. just ready for this day to end.


{December 9th, 1993}

Richie slowly opened his eyes to see a small kid in a yellow rain jacket waving in his face. "hey you're awake!" the small boy smiled happily. Suddenly a redheaded woman came up from behind him.

"Richie?" The woman questioned. "y-yeah um do I know you?" The teen responded rubbing is eyes. "It's Sharon, bill's mom." the woman said offering Richie a hand.

The teen grabbed her hand standing up then looking up at the woman. "Oh, sorry I didn't recognize you." the boy said timidly.

"Sweetie, aren't you supposed to be at a sleepover?" the concerned woman asked. "Um yeah, I um- I went to get us some snacks and I must have fallen asleep here." the boy lied.

she nodded. "Would you like a ride back to your house?" The ravenette scrapped his shoe against the concrete. "No, um thank you."

the woman smiled beginning to walk into the store before turning her head "oh and sweetie it's going to rain soon, so you should hurry home."

she then continued walking into the store giving Richie a smile and then leaving him alone.


the teen shuffled up his door steps then quietly sitting down at the counter and grabbing some cereal. The time read 9:30, but no one was up yet.

After finishing his breakfast the ravenette quietly walked up the stairs. He looked over the five teenagers who were all sprawled out over the floor and bed. He smiled.

His eyes scanned the room searching for a certain short boy but not finding him. He sighed, he wasn't sure if he was relieved or sad about it.

he sat down on the floor since there was no room on the bed grabbing a blanket and going back to sleep.


richie was fast asleep when suddenly he felt someone step on him causing him to wake up. "OW!" he yelled as he looked up to see his redheaded friend.

"The hell Beverly!" he yelled kicking her so she fell back on the bed. "Jeez rich." the teenager said as she yawned.

The girl then climbed down off the bed sitting down on the floor next to Richie. "So where'd you and Edward go last night?" the teen questioned. Richie felt his heart sink but hid his expression.

"We went for a walk. He had to go home." Beverly tilted her head. "Why?" " his mother called." he lied.

the teenage girl rolled her eyes. "God, that woman am I right?" richie chuckled. "Yeah, she's something else." Beverly fastly responded "I can tell your about to make a mom joke, don't."

The trashmouth smiled. The two looked over at the group then richie got an idea. A mischievous smirk formed on his lips

"Wanna wake everyone up?" "Hell yeah!" the teen responsed excitedly.

"Scream in one, two" "three" the two said together before screaming as loud as they possibly could causing the other four losers to jump up and sending Stan tumbling off the bed.

HellO hI I'm rEally sAd thAt nO one is rEally sEeing this Cuz I'm pRoud oF mySelf bUt thAts oKay Ig
HAppY ChRiStmAs RoN
(That's for sarah, if you see this, hi fUckfAce how r u)

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