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"M'LADY," Draco bowed, reaching his hand out to help me out of the boat. I giggled and curtsied, accepting his hand. "Why thank you, good sir." I joked, latching my other hand on Draco's shoulder for extra support as I hopped out. I gathered my balance as we followed an older looking woman to the top of the steps, leading straight to the Great Hall, where we would be sorted into our houses and participate in a big feast.

Everyone in the group proceeded to the Great Hall, crowding in front of a stool with a rigid old hat. Draco and I made our way to the long dining tables. I sat in the middle of Draco and William, who was playing footsie with a girl under the table.

Not even the same girl as he was snogging on the train. It was a whole different girl. The one he was snogging sat a few away across the table, glaring at them with her arms crossed across her chest, and a look of envy towards the new girl. Draco and I exchanged glances and giggled. "Sucks to be her." He whispered.

I scoffed. "Sucks to be her too. I don't think she knows Willy over here has a new conquest every few hours." I said, referring to the footsie chick. Draco and I laughed as the older woman, Professor McGonagall turned to the crowd and gathered everyone's attention.

"Wait along here, please." She spoke clearly, waving a scroll in one hand. "Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." She informed us. Then, Professor Dumbledore rose from his seat. He had long hair and a long beard that was as white as snow. He looked wiser than any god.

"I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce," he licked his lips before proceeding. "The first years, please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker Filch," he pointed to a scruffy man who cherished a cat with Ruby red eyes at his feet. "—has asked me to remind you, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death."

I widened my eyes and exchanged glares of shock with Draco, both of our jaws hung loose from their hinges.

"Thank you," Dumbledore closed his speech and sat back down. Professor McGonagall rolled open the scroll she had tight in her grip. "Now, when I call your name, you will come forth. I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head," she picked up the old hat. "And you will be sorted into your houses." She explained.

I squeezed Draco's hand nervously, feeling him squeeze back reassuringly. I listened to all the names until Draco's was eventually called. "Draco Malfoy!"

Draco kissed my head, letting go of my hand as he made his way up. The hat didn't even have to touch his head to sort him. "SLYTHERIN!" It yelled. I clapped and gave him a thumbs up, having him smile at me. His father will be happy, for once I joked to myself.

There were more names. I was getting impatient. I hate waiting. "Harry Potter!" McGonagall called. People began to whisper to each other as Harry slowly made his way up to the hat. He sat down, and McGonagall placed the had on his scruffy head. "Not Slytherin, not Slytherin." He whispered with plea. "Anything but Slytherin,"

The hat debated silently until it finally spoke. "GRYFFINDOR!" It screamed. I clapped and smiled at him, winking, making him blush but smile back. Draco grew envious, and I furrowed my brows at him. "Laekyn Shakespeare!" My name was called, catching me by surprise.

I huffed and walked up, sitting on the stool. I felt weight on my head, being the hat. "Oh a Shakespeare, I see. well," the hat hummed. "You're a tricky one, like your brother. You're kind to the ones you hold close to your heart, but you can be a vile one. I wouldn't want to get on your bad side." The hat said, making people around chuckle. "You're clever, very wise indeed. You're sarcastic too, very much a Shakespeare!" It thought. I mumbled a confused "Thank you".

It hummed again. "It's obvious, SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouted, making everyone clap and cheer. "WOOHOO! THAT'S MY SISTER!" William shouted as I went to the Slytherin table. I was smothered in a hug between Draco and Will. "Guys, knock it off, I enjoy breathing you know!" I giggled, letting them screw off.

"I knew you'd get Slytherin, Laek. Mother will be very proud to hear it!" William messed my hair. I glared at him and shook my head, smiling wide. After everyone was sorted, Professor McGonagall hit her glass with a silver spoon, making a chime sound ring throughout the big room. "Your attention, please!" She shouted.

Professor Dumbledore then stood back up with his arms spread wide. "Let the feast begin!" He announced.


I BEGAN TO wolf my food down, scraping my plate clean. They probably wouldn't even need to wash my dish. I let out a small belch behind my hand. I blushed in embarrassment. "Uh- excuse me.." I looked away. Draco chuckled. "Hungry thing, arent-cha?" He teased.

I nudged Draco in the arm. "Extremely, you fool." I giggled, sighing at my full glass of pumpkin juice. "Merlin's beard," I cursed, snarling. "Who do I have to hex to get a decent iced coffee around here?" I muttered. I grabbed William's ear, not breaking my stare at the juice, making him pry his face off of the girl he was snogging as he winced in pain. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" He yelled, looking at me.

I snapped. "Can you fix this?" I asked. William sighed, looking around before sneakily pulling out his want and turning the pumpkin juice into a glass of iced coffee. I huffed in amusement as he continued to snog with the girl. I picked up the glass and took a sip from the straw.

And that night, after the feast, we were brought to our common room by the Prefects who then showed us to our dorms. I was thankfully not sharing with anybody, for now at least. I didn't like sharing my own personal space with people, so I was quite content. It was a cozy room, and I couldn't wait to decorate it with the items I brought from home.

I plopped down on my bed, letting my body sink down into the comfy mattress. I let out a sigh, smiling before letting Konan out of his cage. "You hungry bubba?" I asked, letting him nod and meow. My brother always called me Little Bo Peep, because whenever I would talk to an animal, I would always get some kind of reaction.

I gave Konan his bowls of water and kibble before changing into black fluffy pyjama pants with the Grinch plastered all over, paired with a white t-shirt. I then brushed my teeth, read a bit of my book, and went to bed.


Author's Note

Stayed up all night writing this and
playing RoBLoX cos yk I'm just swag
like that😼


SHAKESPEARE - D. MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now