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“ That was bloody beautiful, Laekyn

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“ That was bloody beautiful, Laekyn. ”


AS THE MUSIC FROM MY RECORD PLAYER echoed throughout my studio room, I let the rhythm guide every step my feet took. One two, I thought, patting my slipper covered toes on the ground delicately. Three four, I lifted a leg up above my head. Five six, seven eight. I lowered my leg and began to pirouette for those four beats.

I continued my routine. I had always wanted to be a competition ballerina, but I was too afraid of performing. I focused only on what my body was doing, freestyling everything. I became one with the music. I felt nothing but calm, and happy when dancing.

Then the music faded to a close, and I ended my routine, taking a deep breath. I was then startled by clapping from another side of the room. I turned to the noise to see a familiar platinum blonde leaning against the fireplace smiling.

I rolled my eyes. "Merlin's beard. Draco Lucious Malfoy, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I giggled, walking over to him. He pulled me into a warm hug.

"That was bloody beautiful, Laekyn." He said. I smiled. "It was alright," I shrugged, walking out of the room. I saw my house elf, Daisy folding my laundry. "Good afternoon, Daisy." I smiled.

Daisy looked up at me. "Oh, good afternoon, Miss Shakespeare, and hello Mister Malfoy." She returned. "What must Daisy do for you today?" She asked with a shy smile.

I exchanged glances with Draco, who shrugged. "Um, if you don't mind, Daisy, could you please fetch me a cold glass of water? And don't worry about my clothes, I can handle them from here." I requested, grabbing my laundry basket. Daisy nodded and scurried over to the kitchen.

Draco then pulled me into the main lounge and sat me down on the big sofa. He sat on the dark wooden coffee table in front of me. I yanked his shirt and pulled him to sit next to me. "Oi, manners!Tables are for mugs, not bottoms." I snapped.

Draco rolled his eyes, but grinned. "So?" He peeped. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around. "What?" I spoke. Draco huffed. "Well, have you gotten the letter yet?" He asked. My face then formed a smile. "Oh, right. Hogwarts. Yes, I have." I bit my lip. "I just don't want to leave my mother here alone." I worried. Draco pulled me into a long hug, kissing my head.

My father died when I was too young to remember. I was never told the true story though. My mother said something about "seeing it myself when I grow old enough to handle it" which I think is a bunch of bull, I can totally handle it!

"Everything will be alright, Laekyn. If your mother needs anything, then my parents will help her. I promise you that." My best friend assured me, pulling us apart. I sighed but nodded.

Then Daisy walked up with my water and placed it on a coaster sitting on the coffee table. "Thank you, Daisy." I smiled. She curtsied and walked away. "Hey, why don't we go to Diagon Alley to shop for our supplies?" Draco suggested. I nodded. "Sounds like a plan, just let me put my laundry in my room and write to my mother at work." I said.

Draco nodded and helped me bring up my laundry to my room, as I took my water and my ballet slippers in either hand. He sat on my bed as I went to my desk and sat at my chair, taking out my quill and ink, along with a piece of parchment. I placed my reading glasses on my face and began to write.

Dear Mother,

Draco has invited me to go to Diagon Alley to buy everything we need for Hogwarts. I should be back in time for dinner.

Love, Laekyn.

I rolled up the letter and tied it with an emerald green bow, whistling for my brother's owl, Juliet, who flew into my room and took the letter in the grip of her claws. I got up and opened the window, letting her fly out to take it to my mother to her work at the Ministry of Magic.

I left the window open for when the owl returned. I turned to Draco and smiled. "Let's get out of here." I said as we went down to the lounge again, standing in front of the fireplace. Draco pulled out his floo powder and took some in his hand, giving the fabric bag over to me.

"Diagon Alley!" He shouted, chucking the powder onto the floor as he vanished. It was my turn. I had only ever used floo powder a few times before, so I had sort of sucked at landing.

But nonetheless, I shouted my destination, "Diagon Alley!" I threw down the floo powder, reappearing where I wanted to go. When I came out, I stumbled and fell onto someone. I opened my eyes to find myself on top of Draco. He groaned in pain.

"Oh, Merlin, Draco I'm so sorry! Here, let me help." I said getting up as I reached my hand out for him to take. We both dusted ourselves up, gathering our balance. "It's alright, I think I still have all seven of my limbs." He spoke sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Shut up, Malfoy, I'm still getting used to.. all this!" I spoke nervously.

Draco pulled me in, rubbing my shoulder. "You'll be okay, we have each other."


Author's Note

First. Chapter. Holy.
Crap! I hope you liked
this one, I'll be
working on chapter two
tomorrow. Bye loves!

Also, I kind of forgot that giving
a house elf clothing from the master
"freed them" so let's just say Daisy
was treated well enough to already
feel free, oops.


P.s, Orchard is just a
nickname that I have,
it's still Emma just always
liked the nickname for some
reason. Don't ask, idk either

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