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“ My turkey.. "


I HELD ONTO Draco's arm as we walked to Gringott's Wizarding Bank. We pushed through the large silver doors, and thus the second set of doors which revealed a marble hall behind them, with long counters along it.

Draco nudged me and pulled me down the hall towards the counter at the very end. I watched the goblins as they concentrated with their work. When we reached the end, Draco coughed behind his fist to get the short goblin's attention.

It stood up from behind the desk, waiting to hear about what Draco had to say. "Miss Shakespeare and I would like to withdrawal from our vaults." He said.

"Uh-huh, and do Mister Malfoy and Miss Shakespeare have their keys, hm?" The goblin asked. Draco and I nodded and the goblin took us to a minecart with another goblin sitting inside. Draco helped me inside and sat down with me.

"Right then, which vaults do we need?" The goblin inside the cart with us asked. "Uh, Shakespeare and Malfoy, please." I responded with a small smile. The goblin nodded, and thus the minecart began to move.

The vaults were formed with stone and they were very dim with light, as torches were the only thing providing the light inside. The cart was fast moving, making my hair fly out of my face, occasionally whipping Draco in the face. "Ow, ow,"

"Sorry!" I spoke loud enough to hear over the sound of wind as the momentum from the speed of the minecart was making it hard to hear anything but.

The cart slowed down, moving to a stop as we reached the Malfoy vault. Draco stepped out and entered with the Goblin. He came back with a sack of currency in his hand. Shortly, we came to a stop at my vault, and I handed my key to the goblin, who unlocked it and let me inside.

I grabbed everything I needed and slipped my coins in the small black velvet sack I brought. And then the goblin locked my vault before I left with Draco and the goblin back to the surface.

After we exited Gringott's, we then went to Ollivander's Wand Shop to buy our wands, and then Draco and I then went to look for the books we needed. We split up in the store met up at the counter to pay.

Then Draco and I retrieved our cloaks, hats, etcetera, and split up to get anything else. We then decided to find each other when we were done. After I got everything, I went to find Draco, and we went back to my place.

When we had gotten back, I smelled dinner being cooked. "Mm, something smells good." Draco said. I nodded in agreement. "Did you want to stay? I'm sure Daisy has made enough for extra." I offered.

Draco blushed and cleared his throat. "I-I'd love to, but I have to get back to the manor and get my trunk ready." He politely declined. I sighed. "Very well, off you pop then." I smiled. "And thank you for today, I had a great time Draco." I added, kissing his cheek.

I saw his cheeks flush as he looked away with wide eyes. I giggled and rolled my eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow, good night." I said. Draco muffled a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, night!" He replied before I left the room.

I went to the kitchen and saw Daisy cooking up a storm. "Good evening, Daisy, is Mother home yet?" I asked. Daisy never took her eyes off the stove. "No, Master Shakespeare is still at work. Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes and fifty-eight seconds." She said. I nodded.

"Thank you, I will go finish my laundry and then set the table." I told her before heading upstairs to my room. I noticed William's door was closed when it was open before I left, so I knocked and entered.

"Hey, how was-" I gasped. Will was holding half a sandwich in his hand, about to take a bite. "William Judah Shakespeare! Daisy is cooking a lovely dinner, working her arse off to make it perfect, for you to be eating a crusty turkey sandwich!?" I shouted.

William just stayed silent. I stomped over to him, snatching the remains and throwing them in the rubbish bin next to the desk he was sat at. He looked at the bin and frowned. "My turkey.." he spoke gloomily.

I chuckled. "Dinner in half an hour, you better still have an appetite by then you cow." I joked, walking out and closing the door behind me. I huffed and returned to my room to fold and put away my laundry. I placed the bag of things I had gotten from Diagon Alley in my trunk. I'll organize it later. I thought.

I looked at my Light grey cat, Konan, who was sprawled across my bed. "You hungry?" I asked. His ears perked up, and he opened his big green eyes as he raised his head. I giggled and filled his food dish with kibble made with real salmon and herbs.

Konan instantly jumped off the bed, and rubbed against my leg and meowed as a loving "thank you" before he began to eat. I smiled before going back down and to the dining room to set the table.

"Daisy, could you make me an iced coffee when you get the chance?" I asked. Daisy turned off the stove. "Daisy has already prepared one for Miss Shakespeare. Daisy put it in the refrigerator to keep the ice from melting until dinner was to be served." She claimed.

I smiled. "Oh, well, thank you kindly." I said, patting her head as I opened the fridge door and grabbed my beverage, bringing it to the table with me as I sat down. I began to eat a garlic breadstick from the tray that Daisy has already placed on the table.

She began to bring the rest of dinner to the table. "WILLIAM!" I shouted. Seconds later, I heard my brother stumble down the stairs. "Coming!" He yelled.

Panting, he sat down next to me. "You smell like sweat. Deodorant exists, you know." I teased. He made a mocking face in return. I saw Daisy walk away slowly holding her stomach.

House elves were normally treated horribly, as they're seen to most as nothing but slaves. But my family was always kind to every soul, so we treated Daisy like she was family. She's been with my mother since before me and my brother were born, so she practically is.

"Daisy, you're hungry, come and sit. You can eat with us if you want." I offered. She turned to me and smiled, pausing. I gave her an assuring nod, and she happily walked over, taking a seat across from us.

We all filled our plates and dug in. "Daisy hopes you like it." Daisy smiled. I saw William chug down his glass of pumpkin juice. "Merlin, slow down, will you?" I demanded, grabbing his arm and lowering it and the glass down from his mouth. "So how was your day with the Weasley twins?" I asked. William nodded. "Fun."

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to evaluate?" I questioned. He quickly shook his head and smiled a cheeky smile. "Nope."


We enjoyed the rest of the dinner, and mother came home late last night. By the time we were in bed, she came into each my brother and my rooms and said goodnight, and that she couldn't wait to take us to the train station tomorrow.

I went to sleep and dreamt of nothing.

Absolutely nothing.



Author's Note

This is kinda fun:')

SHAKESPEARE - D. MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now