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TODAY IS the first day that Lawrence has to work in the Library

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TODAY IS the first day that Lawrence has to work in the Library.

His hand keeps on tapping the leather wheel of his car absently. A silent sigh escapes him as he leans back on the comfortable leather seat. He is just so exhausted. He knows that before he gets out of his car he will have to tie up his locs. Lawrence really will not get a day off being Collins, will he?

He wants his locs to be free today, to hit his face as he walks to the Library. It seems lame and anyone would advice him to free his locs and disappear into the sunset but Lawrence knows that it is not that easy. It is not about the locs, but rather what they represent; strength to stand on his two feet without pretending to be his brother. His love for his brother put him in this cage and he wonders whether it is the same love that will free him.

Today, he does not have any classes, only the afternoon shift at the library.  Of course, all of this is a set up by his brother to spend more time with Hope. Right after Col found out that Hope was volunteering, he did the same, pretending to be Lawrence. He says that the more time Law spends with Hope irritating her, the faster it will be for her hatred to bloom.

Lawrence keeps walking, wondering why promises are so hard to go back on. He could just cancel this whole thing and go back on his word but he cannot stand to disappoint his younger brother. Despite the fact that every single fiber in his being is screaming at him to leave this place, Lawrence does not do it, since as he left the house, Col made sure that he remembered this was another chance to make Hope hate him.

He ties his locs up his head with the thin rubber band into a man bun and then steps out of the Audi A6. He parks it in the administration's parking lot which is further down from the faculties for discretion. On the other hand, when his classes coincide with Col's medical ones, he insists on parking outside his medical faculty. It's still a win for Lawrence seeing as the medical faculty is furthest from the other faculties and nearest to the administration.

The rays of the sun hit him immediately, as if they were waiting for him to appear so they could do just that.

A few steps away from his car down the cobblepath and someone bumbs forcefully into him. He stumbles a step backwards and looks up only to see a guy smirking at him, his head held high and his eyes narrowed.

This guy does not seem to be good news and Lawrence does not have the energy to deal with him right now. Therefore, he does what he thinks is best. He steps back and circles away from that guy, deciding to turn around and head the opposite direction.

"Unadhani unaishia wapi?" The guy asks, crossing his hands together over his chest while blocking Lawrence's path. Where do you think you are going?

Lawrence tenses and for a split second there, he wonders if that is how Hope felt that day when he held her back despite her best efforts to distance herself from the situation. He shoves down the thought, determined to swallow down the guilt that latches onto him like a parasite.

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