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{triple update, so make sure you have read chapters 26 & 27. enjoy!}

LAWRENCE CASTS his gaze around the hotel, meeting pristine marble walls, the streaks of white cutting through the black background in an extremely sharp manner

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LAWRENCE CASTS his gaze around the hotel, meeting pristine marble walls, the streaks of white cutting through the black background in an extremely sharp manner.

Somehow, he finds tranquility in watching the messy artistry of the marbles which ends up looking both intentional and calculated. It is baffling how an artist finds a balance in which to reconcile the messy and the precise in a manner such as the one.

His cup of coffee sits in front of him, begging for a smidgen of his attention but he fails to pay it any mind as his gaze sweeps the four-star hotel intending to analyze the actions of the rest of the occupants.

A guy sits at the far end in a position that almost puts him right behind the entrance, typing away on his laptop. His phone must light up because he briefly glances at it and then picks it up, swiping away at the screen.

Lawrence's gaze shifts to a couple two booths down from the former guy, who are snogging each other. The action goes on for a while and before he can switch his attention to something else, they pull apart. The girl says something and the guy frowns and pulls away his hand from behind her back, speaking in hushed whispers. The girl frowns and pulls away too, shifting a distance away from the guy.

Lawrence, sure that the couple is about to fight, looks away unwilling to witness another fight ensue.

He's witnessed his fair quota of fights already, if the fights between Hope and his brother, he and Hope and he and Col are any indication. Said fights are still a fresh searing mark inside his head and no matter how much he tries not to revisit those particular activities, he can't help the way his mind keeps jumping back to the memories.

A sigh escapes him and he now notices the cup of coffee he ordered earlier, the steam fading away from it. As soon as he takes a sip, a shadow befalls his table. Before he can look up, the seat across him is pulled out and he watches as Ndavi sits down, the familiar smile on his face.

"Law, what are you doing here?" Ndavi asks, causing Lawrence to scowl at the guy.

"Drinking coffee," he gives back in the flattest tone he's ever used up until now.

"Okay, who killed your cat?" Ndavi frowns a little, that intensely smoldering look making an appearance. It makes Lawrence feel as if he's being x-rayed and that irritates him further.

"I'm not a cat person."

"It is a figure of speech." Ndavi sighs, leaning back on the seat.

"Go away," Lawrence grunts, "I came here to be alone."

"And to scrutinize strangers, most definitely."

"What are you even doing here?" Lawrence narrows his eyes at Ndavi.

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