Dominic Thiem (3)

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A/N: Hey , here's your requested imagine for Domi; I hope you'll like it :) Also, happy new year in advance to everyone! I don't think the negative impacts of COVID-19 on our lives will disappear any time soon, so my hope for the new year is that everyone will stay safe and healthy while we try to get our lives back to where it was pre-COVID <3

p.s. I think from now on, besides continuing to write imagines for other players, I may write more imagines of Domi because why not heehee

Domi had been drinking water while taking a break from his training. Out of nowhere, Diego (Schwartzman) came over to slap him on his shoulder, causing Domi to choke on the water.  Diego quickly patted Domi's back. "S**t, s**t, I'm sorry bro. Are you ok?"

Domi's eyebrows pulled together. "Yeah, I'm fine. What was that for anyways?"

"Did you see Y/N's latest Tweet?" Diego smirked, and Domi was confused. "Huh, the last time I checked Twitter was yesterday night. Why the question...?"

"Look," and Diego shoved his phone into Domi's hands. It was displaying

I like this friend who's really passionate about tennis, and btw he's also good at it! He just won a competition recently, and I'm so proud that all his hard work has paid off. P.s. His birthday's coming soon. Like next week! Idk if he'll like the present that I'm getting him...

"Oh," Domi responded.

"Wow, that's all you've got to say?" Diego's mouth was slightly open, as if he wasn't respecting this response from Domi.

"Huh? What were you expecting me to say?" Domi replied, with a slight hint of annoyance.

"Bruh, how many male friends do Y/N have who plays tennis, won a competition recently, and whose birthday is next week?" Diego gesticulated.

"Err...I don't know who all of Y/N's friends are?" Domi really did not understand where Diego was going with this.

"Oh my, you really can be quite dense at times," Diego rolled his eyes and facepalmed, before continuing, "Anyways, I think break time's up, and we have to get back to training."

During training, Domi tried his best to stay focused, but thoughts of who is the person Y/N liked kept on finding their way into his mind. Truth be told, his heart would always flutter whenever his cheerful and considerate friend Y/N was around. Scratch that, he liked her more than just as a friend.

Yet, at the same time, he was afraid of ruining their friendship if he revealed his true feelings. He would much rather like Y/N silently from afar than rock the boat. Besides, with Y/N's good looks and charisma, there was no doubt she had a long list of people interested in asking her out for a date. Surely, quite a number of them would be a better match for Y/N than himself?

Curiosity eventually got the better of him though. He wanted to quash any hopes of all this just being a one-way feeling before he dangerously clung on to this hope for far too long. He decided he would ask Y/N when he next saw her.

Meanwhile, Y/N was horrified, to say the least, when she found out that she had accidentally posted that Tweet instead of her private Tumblr blog. That meant Domi, who followed her Twitter account, could possibly see her post, and she'll be damned if he figures out that she was writing about him. Y/N immediately deleted the post, and could only pray for divine intervention that Domi hadn't seen the post yet. That didn't stop her from continuing to scream internally at her careless mistake. She wasn't even sure what she was to Domi, and if he didn't like her the way she did, things are going to be so awkward from then on. Urgh!

Y/N had been wallowing deep in her mortification from that "Great Mistake" when she saw Domi walking down the pavement towards her while looking at his phone. He was slinging his bag full of tennis rackets and other stuff, and he looked sweaty, so he must have been at training. Maybe there's a chance he hadn't seen that Tweet yet, Y/N hoped. Nevertheless, Y/N immediately turned around and started walking away quickly, just in case. Unfortunately, Domi had spotted Y/N when he lifted up his head, and called out her name.

"Scheiße," Y/N cursed under her breath before turning around to face Domi. She tried her best to smile normally. "Hey, Domi."

"Hi Y/N, how have you been?" Domi smiled.

"Ok, I guess," Y/N shrugged. Lmao, no way, Y/N thought silently.

"I was just checking my Twitter, and I saw you delete the Tweet from this afternoon..." Domi trailed off. I'm really in deep s**t now, Y/N sighed internally. "I'm just curious though, who's that person that you like?"

"Huh?" Domi's question was an unexpected reaction to the post, and had caught Y/N off guard. Domi raised his eyebrows in response. Did that mean Domi didn't realise that the Tweet referred to him...?

"Uh..." Y/N played with her fingers nervously, not sure how to break the news to Domi. "Why would the answer matter to you?"

Domi's expression fell for a while, before he seemed to collect himself. "I don't know, no important reason, really. More like...I just want to know? Besides, you're an attentive person, so I'm sure the other person would like the gift you're getting."

"It's you," Y/N got those two words out in a rush. Domi couldn't believe his ears. Him? Y/N liked him?

Y/N looked up apprehensively at Domi, waiting to see any signs of disgust etc, but instead, she saw his face morph from one of shock to one being flooded with colour. "You're...You're not kidding me, right?"

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed, and she bit her lips. "No, I am serious."

A grin spread across Domi's face. "Wow, this has got to be the best thing that's happened to me today. I actually had a crush on you too Y/N." 

Y/N heaved a sigh of relief. "Guess I can be thankful for my careless mistake then?"

Domi laughed, "Yeah. Otherwise, we would have never found out that we liked each other." Both Y/N and Domi hugged each other, giggling as they did so. When they parted, their eyes were shining with glee and mutual adoration. "I'll go home to put down my equipments and take a shower first. Then later, around say, 6pm, I'll come by your house and we'll go out for dinner together, as our first date? How does that sound?"

Y/N wiggled her eyebrows. "Ooh, are you asking me to be your girlfriend already?" Domi scratched his neck and bent his head down shyly. "Yeah."

Y/N nodded. "Ok sure, I'm looking forward to our first date later."

~The end~

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