Diego Schwartzman

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Author's note: Hewwo I'm back again with an imagine after a month or so haha. I hope life's been going okay for everyone,,,sending some love here <3

Not tennis player/magical AU

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a wizard named Julius. He married his childhood sweetheart, and together, they had a beautiful daughter Y/N. Little did he know, his wife fell in love with a prince from another kingdom, who had been in town to visit the duke and duchess of the small, independent state they lived in. Julius' wife and the prince had an affair behind his back. Three years after Y/N was born, Julius's wife eloped with the prince, leaving Y/N behind with him. Julius was extremely heartbroken, as he had loved his wife very much, and looked forward to raising a family with her.

Over time, this despair morphed into resentment, not just against his former wife, but against the notion of romantic love as well. Julius was so determined to protect his daughter from the same fate of getting hurt because of love, he decided to cast a spell to prevent his daughter from leaving the grounds of their mansion to explore the world outside. Julius thought that if Y/N cannot meet other people, she will not fall in love and therefore not have to face the risk of being heartbroken.

An impossibly tall wall made of metal wires grew around the parameter of the mansion, and the surroundings became a thick forest so that the mansion would be difficult to access from the nearby towns and villages. With that, people passed on, by word of mouth, the story of the wizard and his daughter who lived far away from the town centre, and never ever bothered to look for that mansion.


Y/N was a curious young girl, who enjoyed learning more about the world through the large number of books and encyclopaedias in the library. She did hear about what happened with her parents while she was still very young, but did not fully agree with how her father was trying to protect her from a similar situation of falling in love with someone, only to have her heart broken. She effectively lost her freedom to explore the world outside of her mansion, and truth be told, reading about the world as opposed to actually seeing and feeling it were two drastically different things. She definitely did not relish in the fact that she had been walking around the same mansion grounds and facing the same wall for eighteen years already. She knew every room and corner like the back of her hands, and she could even dare say that she could walk around with her eyes closed without bumping into anything.

Y/N also felt very bored at times, as the only people keeping her company were her father and some servants. While she did appreciate their presence, it can be terribly uneventful to face the same people and have similar conversations day after day, causing her to yearn desperately to meet someone new.


Diego was lost in the woods. He was still quite new to this kingdom, having escaped one and a half months ago from the raging civil war back home, which was across the ocean from where he was now. He had finished buying enough ingredients to last him a week's worth of lunch and dinner from the market in town, and needed to cut through the forest to get to the village where he lived at. Unfortunately, it seemed that he had took a wrong turn somewhere, and now he was on an unfamiliar path. He gently tugged on his horse's reins and pulled it along, as he tried to backtrack and find his way back to the usual path.

Suddenly, Diego's horse yanked free from his grasp on its reins, and galloped off quickly into the distance with all the ingredients bought at the market. "Wait!" Diego yelled after the horse, and began chasing after it, but the horse was too fast for him to be able to catch up.

Diego's horse finally came to a stop in front of an impossibly tall wall made of metal wires. Diego caught up with his horse, panting quite heavily after all that chasing through the woods. Diego gently chided it, "Don't you ever run off like that without any warning, ok?" His horse neighed in response as Diego re-fastened some of the bags of ingredients on his horse that had become slightly loose.

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