Andrey Rublev (3)

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A/N: Apologies for the long absence in updates :") uh this may not be the best that I can write (and it's a short imagine), I'll explain more below. Additionally, note that this is not a romantic imagine.

I may go for an even longer break after this, but I'll try to post more by December as:

a) I've already forgotten how I wanted to continue with part 3 of the Jannik Sinner imagine because it's been so long since I've last worked on it, so I need some time to recall. Either that, or I'm just going to redo the entire series lmao.

b) my family (both immediate and extended) are still facing some issues and I foresee it'll take some more time to resolve them. Mostly because of that, I hardly have free time on top of my studies/work to write anymore, and definitely it's been somewhat emotionally draining these past few months. I believe in being in the right headspace in order to think and write better, so now's honestly not quite the time. Not to worry though, I've been talking to my friends etc so I don't bottle all my thoughts/emotions up.

c) Oh man my level of motivation to write is also possibly somewhat correlated to Dominic's long time away from the courts, and persistent right wrist

You had been about to doze off on the sofa as some boring, low-budget mid-day soap opera was playing on the television when the shrill buzz of the doorbell cut through the air. "Y/N, can you go get the door?" Your mother, who had been preparing dinner, shouted from the kitchen.

"Urgh ok, do you know who is it?" you grumbled, as you got up from the sofa and headed to the main door.

"Well, open the door and you'll find out!" your mother responded a little too enthusiastically, which caused you to raise your eyebrows.

As you opened the door, your eyebrows were about to raise further, as a familiar six-foot-two, lanky man, with a mess of copper-brown hair and freckles dotting all over his somewhat pale face, stood there. "Oh, Andrey, what brings you here?" you asked, as you walked further into the house to allow Andrey to enter.

"Well, your parents had insisted a few times that I come around for dinner at least once given how close we are, and I thought it wouldn't be polite to reject them so many times...Then I realised since I happen to be in town today, I thought I'd drop by," he shrugged. You let out a tiny laugh; that totally sounded like something your parents would do.

Just then, your father peeked his head out of the kitchen. "Ah, Andrey, it's great that you've finally dropped by! Dinner will be ready soon."

"Do you need any help with serving dinner?" the both of you asked simultaneously.

"Nah, it's fine," your father waved you off. The two of you took your seats at the dining table and chatted a bit to catch up with each other and talk about what was going on in your respective lives. 

Soon, your parents brought the dishes to the dinner table and all of you said grace (A/N: Andrey is an Orthodox Christian so I thought I should insert this custom) before tucking into the meal.

At the start of the dinner, your parents were blatantly referring to Andrey's status as a single man, and asking if he was seeing anyone, which caused you to be facepalm internally. "Mum, dad, stop it with these questions," you glared at them from across the dinner table. It was then they switched to more normal conversation topics. After dinner, your parents insisted that they washed up the dishes, so you decided to accompany Andrey on his walk to the nearest train station.

Once you walked a distance away from your house, and definitely out of earshot of your parents, you opened your mouth, "I'm sorry if how my parents were just now during dinner made you uncomfortable."

Andrey waved his hand nonchalantly, "Nah it's fine. My parents are also equally, if not much more, concerned about my status as a bachelor lol. They keep pressing me about when I'm going to bring someone home to see them etc etc. Then when I reply that I'm not seeing anyone at the moment, they either lecture me on being unnecessarily picky when it comes to choosing a partner, or try to introduce some of their friends' daughters to me." He then rolled his eyes fondly.

The two of you then started laughing uncontrollably until you were tearing up, upon realising how both your parents were so concerned about your love lives (or the seemingly severe lack thereof) that they decided they had to interfere. Yet, the two of you could never feel sexual attraction towards each other, for you viewed each other merely as close friends, or more like a brother and a sister looking out for each other.

~The end~

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