Nick Kyrgios

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You sat down on the sofa and switched on the TV to watch the afternoon programme, whilst eating a tub of (your favourite flavour) ice cream. You rubbed your swollen belly gently and lovingly. It was about three months old now.

You remembered how two months ago, when your period did not come on time, you decided to take a pregnancy test. You counted to 300 silently in your head, before you slowly opened your eyes, fearful of the results you would see.

When you opened your eyes, you saw two lines, and tears just flowed down your cheeks. You weren't expecting to be pregnant. The child was Nick's of course, as he was the only guy you had been intimate with.


You had been friends with Nick since very young, about five or six years old, when you were living not far from each other, and played at the same playground.

One day, as you were growing up, perhaps it was due to hormones and all, you started to develop feelings for him. In your head, you wanted to be more than friends, but you were afraid that if you asked, Nick might not feel the same way and things would get hella awkward. Many years of friendship would be gone, and you didn't want that. Consequently, you stayed silent about these feelings.

It had been one of those drunk nights at some friend's party. Nick was also there too, since it was the end of the tennis season and he was free and not travelling then. He was also a friend of the person who was hosting the party.

You weren't one for dancing, so you decided to take a few shots and hang around the edge of the party, watching everyone else have fun. Just then, you noticed Nick walking your way and your heart started to thump very quickly.

"Hey how have you been? Haven't seen ya in a while." Nick enquired, hands in his pocket.

"Fine I guess, life's still the same old boring one," you replied.

Suddenly, Nick closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss you on your lips, taking out one hand from his pocket and placing it against the wall, the other snaking around your waist.To say you were surprised was an understatement. You didn't foresee this at all.

As Nick opened his eyes, you looked up into his brown eyes. "What was that, Nick?" You asked in a hushed tone.

"I liked you for a long time, Y/N, in a more than friends kinda way. And when I saw you just now, I decided that I should pluck up my courage, y'know?"

"I like you too Nick." With that, the two of you kissed again, slipped out of the party, and made your way back to his house in your drunk and loved-up haze.

I'll let y'all imagine what happened next :) partly due to censorship HAHA

The next day, you woke up with a throbbing headache. You turned to look at Nick, who was still fast asleep, and realised your clothes and lingerie were strewn all over the floor. "Fuck, I shouldn't have done it," you muttered under your breath.

You decided to get out of Nick's house before he woke up. You quickly slipped on your clothes, gathered your belongings, and left.

While you were walking home, as much as you would like to convince yourself that last night was a mistake, you actually enjoyed it a lot. Nick wasn't the kind of guy who forced his way. He was nothing short of being loving towards you, focusing only on pleasing you. Anything you did was entirely voluntary. You couldn't count the number of times he made you moan his name.

Nick also whispered he loved you many times as he kissed you all over and left love bites. You hoped he meant it, but then again, it could have been because he was drunk.

Conflicted about how you felt about that night, you avoided Nick ever since.


As you stared at the pregnancy kit in disbelief, you pondered very long if you should tell Nick about it. Eventually you decided not to, as Nick, like you, was still very young, and now preoccupied with his tennis career. A baby would only slow him down, and knowing how much Nick wanted to excel in tennis, he probably won't be too happy about this.

Thus you kept quiet about your pregnancy, only informing your parents, siblings (if any) and your closest friends about it. You half lied when you told them that it was an accident, a drunk one night stand with a stranger. Your parents weren't pleased to say the least, but nonetheless supported you through this new journey of motherhood.

Suddenly, repetitive knocking on the wooden door snapped you out of your thoughts. You weren't expecting anyone that day, so you were puzzled. You slowly put down the ice cream tub on the table and made your way to the door.

When you opened the door, you were surprised by the person standing there. "Nick? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Melbourne for the Australian Open?"

"I need to talk to you. Let me in, won't you?"

You opened the door wider, and motioned for him to follow you to the sofa.

After the two of you sat down, Nick motioned towards your swollen belly. "How many months is it?"


Nick's eyes widened, seemingly arriving at the same conclusion you had two months ago when you were staring at the positive pregnancy kit result.

"Is the baby...mine?" He asked hesitantly, seemingly afraid of the answer.

You nodded.

He smiled brightly as he processed the news, before pulling you in for a hug. "You're happy?" You looked up at him and asked, pleasantly surprised by Nick's reaction, having expected the worst.

"Of course, why would I not be? Why didn't you tell me earlier about this though?"

You frowned. "I thought a baby would slow down your career and so you wouldn't be too happy about all these."

"I know all these is unexpected, but we'll go through this together I promise. I love you, Y/N. I know I was very drunk that night, but I really meant it when I said I love you."

The two of you stayed silently that way in each other's embrace for a while, before you broke the silence. "Thank you Nick."

He raised his eyebrows quizzically. "For...?"

"I guess for staying with me and making sure I'm not alone in this new chapter of my life."

"You're welcome...even though life didn't pan out the way we probably had hoped, I'm glad I'm able to share the next part of my life with you." He grinned.

"I love you, Nick."

"I love you too, Y/N, so so much."

You inched closer to Nick and you two shared an extremely passionate kiss.

Approximately six months later, you delivered a healthy baby (boy/girl), and you and Nick decided to name (him/her) Y/C/N Kyrgios. Nick had been very protective of you during pregnancy, and even after Y/C/N was born, he made sure that he spent as much time as he could taking care of Y/C/N as well. When he was away for competitions, he would check in on you daily to make sure you were coping well, and that hopefully your child was not giving you too much problems (lol).

Two years down the road, Nick proposed to you in front of all the crowd after he had won (title), and soon after, you got married in a small church in Canberra, in front of your families and friends.

~The end~

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