Dominic Thiem

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Sorry if this sounds biased but he seems cute like a fluffy cinnamon roll HAHA from what I can gather, he seems to be a friendly and kind person! :) I've digressed and here's the story...

Domi's POV

I knew it.

She was always too good for me.

I watched from across the street as Y/N entered what used to be our apartment with another man who seemed to be around our age. The both of them were chatting merrily to each other, with Y/N even laughing at something the other guy had said.

I had moved out elsewhere so that my new apartment's closer to the airport. Given that I had to travel around frequently, I felt it was better if I didn't have to wake up so early just to get to the airport. However, where I currently lived was a five hour drive away from where I used to live, and Y/N couldn't just leave her family, friends, job and life behind like that.

Now that I thought about it, it was so stupid of me to break up with her just because she wouldn't move in with me. I had been so blinded by a moment's anger that I had let many years of our precious relationship go. I didn't think for her; I only thought about myself. I should have given her time to settle everything before moving in with me.

"You really mean it? You're breaking up with me?" Y/N asked, her voice cracking at the end. Tears were brimming in her eyes, threatening to overflow at any time.

I huffed angrily. "Yes! You can have this apartment. I'm ending things here, and moving out."

"You selfish prick," Y/N whispered, before slamming the door in my face. That was the last time I ever saw her.

I had been meaning to see if Y/N still lived at the apartment. I didn't know what exactly I was hoping to do, achieve, or expect with this trip. Maybe I just wanted to see if she was okay, if she had moved on, just to give myself some form of closure before I moved on with my life.

If so, why was I so disappointed to find Y/N with someone else? My head was pounding in confusion, my heart gripped by an inexplicable pain.

At that moment, a loud rumble snapped me out of my thoughts. Before I knew it, buckets of water poured down on me. It felt as if even the rain was mocking my sorry state.

The bouquet of (your favourite flowers) that I had been holding in my right hand fell to the floor, and my knees just gave way. I sat on the pavement, my vision soon becoming blurry with the tears. I pulled my legs closer to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs, before burying my head in the space between my chest and legs.

I didn't know how much time had passed while I sat there crying on the pavement, until I heard an all-too-familiar voice. "Domi? What are you doing here?"


I had spent some time bonding with my male friend (H/N) over dinner and just some chatting. Workload was getting heavier, and I didn't have a lot of time for friends anymore. I walked him to the door, before bidding him farewell.

As H/N walked away to the distance, I noticed someone all too familiar on the pavement opposite my apartment, even though it had been quite some time since I had last seen him. There was a bunch of (your favorite flowers) scattered on the floor beside him. His head was buried in the space between his legs, which were drawn up to his chest.

Why was Domi doing here, sitting on the pavement in the pouring rain?

Without thinking about the rain, I rushed up to him. "Domi? What are you doing here?"

He looked up at me, his brown eyes puffy. "Y/N?" His soft, gentle voice cracked.

"Yes, it's me. Come on, let's go in to the apartment and dry you up." I raised my hand out to him, but he shook his head.

"No, you should quickly go back into your apartment lest you catch a cold. I should get going..." He slowly stood up, picked up the bouquet of flowers, and turned around to walk away.

You quickly grabbed his wrist to prevent him from leaving. "But why were you crying and sitting on the pavement in the rain just now? You can tell me, I'm not sure if I can help but I'll listen." You smiled warmly at him.

He raised an eyebrow, before explaining, "I don't know why, but I felt the need to come here to see if you were still living here...perhaps hoping that I would be happy if you found someone else to love, and I can then move on with my life..."

He then whispered, "I should have never broken up with you. Now you've found someone else and I realized all too late that I still can't get over you..."

You looked at him with incredulity, his head hung low and his shoulders sagged. Domi still loved you? "That guy isn't my new boyfriend, he's just a good friend...I haven't really moved on yet..."

"Oh...Even then, I've caused you so much hurt with my selfishness that I don't deserve you anymore. You deserve someone better, someone who isn't me."

You felt a tug at your heart. Sure, Domi was right that he had hurt you by abruptly breaking up just because you wouldn't move in with him to his new house, which was 5 hours' drive away. That didn't mean you had stopped loving him either.

You still kept up to date with his tennis matches and results, hoping that he would play well. Yet, you were afraid of contacting him because he might have moved on and found someone else during your time apart.

You stepped closer to him and pulled him in for a hug, gently rubbing his back. "Come in to my apartment first, we'll talk about this later after you've been dried up."

Domi nodded slightly, eyes still glued to the floor. You somewhat dragged him into the apartment, and he went to the bathroom to get a quick shower while you went into your room to get Domi some old dry clothes that were once his, and way too big for you. You heard him sobbing while in the shower and your heart broke again, but you felt he needed his personal space and so you left the clothes outside the bathroom and quietly walked away. You then sat down on the sofa in the living room.

Not long later, Domi stepped out of the bathroom. "I can't believe you still keep my clothes," he chuckled, although he sounded anything but happy.

"Yeah, I don't see why I should throw them away."

He nodded, before continuing, "Why are you so nice to me? After all the pain I've put you through."

"I mean why not? Just because you broke up with me doesn't mean I stop loving you," and I facepalmed myself when I realised the words that had slipped out of my mouth.

Domi's eyes widened and his mouth was agape. For a moment, the silence was deafeningly awkward.

" still love me?" Domi asked hesitantly, seemingly unsure of what he had heard.

"Yeah...but...if we're ever getting back again...I'm going to need some time to be friends first before we become something more again though...That is if you haven't found someone else yet."

Domi beamed and walked over to sit down next to you on the sofa. "No, no, I haven't found someone else yet. Sure, let's take time being friends again."

You hugged each other, and spent the rest of the night cuddling on the sofa and watching random shows.

Eventually, after about a year of catching up and getting to know each other better again, the two of you went back into a relationship, and Domi was more than glad that you were willing to take him back into your life.

~The end~ :)))

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