Cameron Norrie

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A/N: ok we're having a pretty short, non-romamtic imagine today! It's been gloomy the whole morning when I started thinking about this imagine (wish I could lie in bed just for a while more, but alas, there are things to do). Somehow, I thought about London, where even though generally the rainfall isn't that heavy all the time, it rains quite frequently. Hence, I decided to include someone who represented the U.K. in here (my favourite tennis player from the U.K. has got to be Andy Murray, in part due to his dry humour, but I just couldn't see him doing what Cameron does in this imagine lmao).

Also, I'm pleased to say that I finally thought of a way to continue the Jannik Sinner imagine, so the third and final part should be published latest by some time in early May! :) Sorry to keep y'all waiting for more than a year with regards to that :")
You had been strolling along the cobbled streets of London during your vacation, admiring the wide variety of architectural styles of apartments and other buildings alike. Also, where you lived, the roads (main roads at least) were made of tar and concrete, so the cobbled streets were comparatively less dull and uniform-looking, and thus prettier. It being a weekday afternoon, there were, thankfully, not as many people on the streets.

You glanced upwards and noticed how the clouds had merged with one another to dim the light from the Sun and form a seamless light grey sky. Knowing the weather in London, this probably meant a period of light showers was approaching soon.

No matter, you would just continue walking, admiring the scenery and window shopping until you were forced to take shelter from the sudden onslaught of rain.

No sooner had you completed the above thought, you felt some tiny drops of water landing on your head. You looked down to see dark dots increasingly forming on the cobbled streets, and decided to wait out the rain in a nearby café.

You ordered a cup of Darjeeling tea along with some scones before sitting down at a table near the window so that you could tell when the rain had stopped. You poured half a satchet of sugar into the tea and stirred. You then took out a pencil and a sketchbook from your satchel, and continued from where you had left off, while you slowly sipped on the tea.

Suddenly, you heard someone clearing their throat from the table to the left of yours, causing you to turn to look at the brunet stranger. You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Uhh...hi! I couldn't help but look at your drawings because they are all so well drawn! I also couldn't help but notice that you are sketching various things within the outlines of body parts. Are these the ideas for the tattoos you want to get?"

You blushed at the compliment of your artwork, before chuckling at his question. "Thanks for the compliment! They are ideas for tattoos that I'd think would look good at specific parts of the body like above the ankle, near the wrist, or below the collarbone etc, but I don't personally plan to get them."

Said stranger, whose name you still did not know, widened his eyes slightly at your admission that you were drawing tattoo ideas but not for your own use. "Are you a tattoo artist then? Also, you don't sound like you're from here. Where do you come from?"

You shook your head. "No, I'm not a tattoo artist, and yes, I'm from (your home country, suspend disbelief if you so happen to be from the U.K.). Social stigma in some cultures about tattoos aside, I just find the idea of inking designs onto one's skin quite interesting, like you're wearing pieces of art on yourself, or you're making personal statements through tattoos. But personally, I can't quite commit to any specific designs to represent who I am. Or even if it's not so much about representing my identity but just for the aesthetics, I'm kinda afraid that one day I decide that I don't want, say, this tattoo anymore and even if I went to remove it via laser, it'll still remain to some extent, just as a much faded form. I could try temporary tattoos, but assuming I want to stick to a particular design, I'm too lazy to keep on redoing it once it fades off in one to two weeks. So I just keep to drawing onto a sketchbook ideas for tattoos that I have. Hope you don't mind my long explanation." You smiled sheepishly.

He shrugged. "I don't mind really; it was really interesting to hear your thoughts about tattoos and why despite drawing them, you don't actually ink them onto your own skin! By the way, it has been rude of me to suddenly disturb you while you were sketching, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I enjoyed talking to you. By the way, what's your name? I'm Y/N."

"I'm Cameron, but you can call me Cam."

You nodded and the both of you smiled at each other, before the two of you resumed with whatever you were doing before. One time, you looked outside the window, and noticed the rain had finally stopped. Having finished your cup of tea and the scones already, you decided to pack up.

"Hey Cam, the rain has stopped and I'll be going soon. Bye!"

"Y/N, wait, how long will you be staying in London for?"

"5 more days."

"Cool, how about I show you around London on one or two of the days from a local's perspective instead of the usual mundane things travel magazines and websites like to say?"

"Sure, why not?" The two of you exchanged your phone numbers so you could arrange the details of your next meet-up, before you waved goodbye once more at Cam and left the café into the cooling London streets.

~The end~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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