Chapter 5: She's Too Smart

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"Wake up sleeping beauty." Harry said shaking me gently.

"Good morning." I smiled as I wiped my eyes.

I sat up and saw the other boys sitting on the floor.

"Good morning!" Niall said all peppy.

"Good morning." I smiled back.

"You are in a good mood today aren't you?" Louis asked.

He had a weird look on his face when he asked me. He seemed like he had something to say.

"Lori, are you glad that you and Harry are finally together?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, I really am." I smiled.

I looked to Harry and saw he was smiling. When I looked back to the other boys they were smiling also. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry motioning something to the boys. I wouldn't have seen it if it hadn't been for the reflection from the tv.

"What are you telling them behind my back?" I whipped around asking Harry.

"What are you talking about?" He tried to play dumb.

"Nevermind." I just let it go.

I was to hungry to pay any real attention to him.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Pancakes!" Liam smiled.

We sat down and just talked. It was really relaxing.

"So, Harry what are you and Lori going to do next week after the concert?" Louis asked.

"Um...." Harry replied.

"Are you going to take her out for a nice dinner?" Zayn asked.

"Or going on a nice date?" Liam added in.

Each of them had a determined look on their faces.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?" I asked taking another bite of the pancake.

"Nothing, we just love messing with this player." Louis said.

What? Player? Should I look into this? Or are the boys just being their old stupid selves? Maybe I shouldn't say anything, I don't want to start drama.

"What should we do today?" Niall asked.

"Let's go play Just Dance!" Zayn said.

We went and got the game set up.

"Who's first?" Liam asked.

Louis jumped up. It was so funny. Harry sat next to me and put his arm around me.

"Let's get a picture and put it on twitter." I suggested.

"No. Stay off of twitter. It's not safe to be on it." He jumped.

"Harry calm down. It's one picture." I said.

"Listen to me. Stay off twitter." He warned.

"Who's next?" Louis asked when he was finished.

"Me." Harry said taking the remote.

"What's with Harry?" I whispered to Louis as he sat next to me.

"What do you mean?" He whispered back.

"Why can't I go on twitter?" I asked.

*Louis' POV*

"Why can't I go on twitter?" 

What am I suppose to say? If she goes on, she could find out that Harry lied. If I tell her to go on, she will be heart broken and Harry will hate me.

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