Chapter 21: The Question

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*Harry's POV*

We were woken up again at sunrise. Lori fed Darcy and than she wouldn't go back to sleep. We were still awake when my mum and Lori's mum came to pick us up.

"Look at my baby girl." Lori's mum said.

We got into the car and we got back to my mum's. We walked in to find everyone scattered everywhere. Kat and Niall were passed out on one of the couches in the family room. Rachel and Louis were passed out on the blow up mattress. Gemma was asleep on the other couch in the family room. Liam was wrapped up in some sort of like cacoon. Zayn was the weirdest of them all. He had a blanket over his head and his butt was sticking up in the air. 

"Why don't you guys go sit down for a bit, we can handle the baby." My mum said.

Lori and I went over the the couch where Kat and Niall were sleeping. 

"Why did we walk over here? They are sleeping." Lori said.

"Just wait." I said.

I leaned over the couch and placed my hands under Niall and Kat's backs. I pushed as hard as I could and they rolled off the couch. I grabbed Lori's hand and led her to the couch so she could lay down. I picked up her legs and dropped them again back onto my legs. Kat and Niall rolled onto the mattress. The force from them hitting the mattress threw Rachel up into the air. Thankfully she landed on the mattress again.

"What the hell!?" Niall screamed.

"How did we get on the floor?" Kat asked rubbing her eyes.

Niall and Kat looked at me.

"Niall get off of me." Louis said.

"Holy crap, I just saw my life flash before my eyes." Rachel said.

They were now looking at me.

"Harry!" They yelled.

"SHUT UP!" Zayn yelled.

We all looked at him and his butt was still high up in the air. Rachel threw on Louis' sweatshirt and Niall sat on the floor and Kat sat on his lap.

"So where is the little munchkin?" Louis asked.

"With my mum." I answered.

I looked over at Lori and saw that she was passed out.

"Okay so listen." I whispered.

They all looked at me.

"I need you all to babysit Darcy next Thursday." I said.

"Why?" Niall asked.

"I want to take Lori out." I smiled.

"No you don't." Rachel looked at me.

"What do you mean?" Kat asked.

"He is going to pop the question." Rachel said.

"What? How did you know!?" I asked.

"I am good at reading body language." She smiled.

I could feel myself start to blush.

"Ohh he's blushing!" Louis pointed out.

"Whatever. Will you babysit?" I asked.

"Of course." They said.

"Lori!" My mum called.

Everyone was woken up by my mum's screaming.

"Mum!" Gemma yelled.

"Guys! Shut up!" I yelled.

"What!?" Lori screamed.

"Darcy needs to eat." My mum said.

Lori got up and went with my mum and she brought Darcy back into the room. She sat on the couch next to me and got a blanket to cover herself. We all awkwardly turned our heads towards the tv.

*Next Thursday*

"Lori's POV*

Darcy was asleep downstairs and Rachel, Kat and I were bored so they decided to doll me up. 

"Why are you dressing me up?" I asked confused.

"Well, we were bored and you need it." Rachel said.

"Thanks?" I said.

Rachel was curling my hair and Kat was doing my makeup. It was weird. Kat went and started painting my finger and toe nails. Why were they getting me all pretty?

"Guys, what's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing!" Kat snapped.

They dragged me into another room.

"Let's find an outfit!" Rachel said.

"Why not this one!?" Kat said picking a brand new dress off the bed.

They totally had that planned out. It was a summer dress with spagetti straps.

"Kat can you find me one of my old pairs of flats?" I asked as I zipped up the dress.

"Why don't you use these?" Rachel asked pulling out a box of flats.

"You guys are freaks." I said as I put on the flats.

The weather was so nice today. It was finally starting to feel like summer. 

"Okay!" Kat screamed.

At that moment Harry walked into the room. He looked me up and down and whistled.

"You ready?" He asked.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"We have a date." He smiled.

"We can't leave Darcy!" I said.

"Yes we can." He fought back.

"Rachel, Kat don't let the boys mess around tonight." I said.

Harry grabbed my hand and we went into Darcy's room. We kissed her goodbye and went on our way. It felt so weird leaving her already.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." Harry smiled.

We pulled into a parking lot and we got out of the car. Harry grabbed a basket from the back and we walked up the steps and we were on a beach.

"We are having a picnik." He laughed.

I raced down the stairs and onto the sand. I missed the beach so much. Harry chased after me and we found a good place to have our dinner.

"Yum, peanut butter and fluff." I laughed.

It was so calm and we watched as the moon set over the ocean.

"It is so nice." I smiled.

"Watch." Harry said pointing to the sky.

Fire works started to go off. They were beautiful. They were red, blue, green, purple, orange yellow and pink. It was awesome. It started to spell something out. 

"Will you marry me?" It said.

I looked to Harry and saw he was on his knee. 

"Will you marry me?" He asked.

"What Harry!?" I asked confused.

"I love you more than life itself. We already have Darcy and I want to be with you forever." Harry said.

"Harry." I said.

"So?" He asked.

"Of course!" I said hugging and kissing him.

We laid there for another 2 hours and watched the sky and the shooting stars. I could never expect something this nice. 

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